
Is it better to sprint up a hill make you faster or is it better on flat land?

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Also does running down hill do anything?




  1. Sprinting hard up a hill will improve your leg muscles more than on flat.

    Downhill running can cause injuries

  2. all of them help your running

    in order: up hill, down hill, flat

  3. yes all you gotta do i run lots and lots of hills. like when your on your run pick up the pace alittle bit up the hills. another way to make you stronger is to do lunges up hills.

  4. HILLS!

  5. What you are describing is Hill training, Hill training can be very benifical for building strength and speed.  The idea is to find a hill 600 - 800 meters in length (approx. ½ mile), and run up the hill at tempo pace which is just a touch slower then what you would deem your race pace.  At the top of the hill either walk or slow jog back down and repeat.  

    Depending on the distance you are trying to achieve, you may want to start at about 3 repeats and work yourself up to about 10.  You only want to do this type of work out once per week, but you will benefit greatly on runs not only being faster but able to take hills better.


  6. uphill is awsome because anything tht causes resitsance is awsome

  7. i heard sprinting uphill is the best to develop fast twitch muscle fober to increase speed. And Running downhill does nothing but f*** up your shins and knees

  8. just a note: when you run down hill, lean back slightly and concentrate on going slowly and using a good stride to keep from getting shin splints and such. When you run uphill, sprint up it. It's like intervals with hills! brilliant.

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