
Is it better to start modeling when ur a teen or adult?

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i wanna start to model during the summer bc i hav nothing else to do nd like everyone else has a job -_- im 16 yrs old nd is starting 11th grade in september. people say that im pretty nd that i shold b a model. should i start now or wait till im outta collage




  1. i think that u should start now soo ur built up and ready to become an big model when ur out of collage!..well thats wht i think

  2. teen so you get experience and more time to get discovered. Also, a lot of models are very young so directors pick them when they are in their late teens. You might want to check out ford models for a break. Goo luck with the modeling!!! :)

  3. teen- gain experience

  4. adult

  5. Do not wait until you are out of college. The fashion industry is all about youth and finding fresh young faces. All of the top models got their start when they were around your age. Once a model is in her twenties people in the industry start to consider her to be too old. Starting now would also give you time to develop experience and a good portfolio.

  6. now would be good to get your foot in the door so you have expirience, but it might be a little stressful.

  7. You should start now.  Models tend to age out of the industry in their upper 20s and you'll have at least a few years of experience to get under your belt before you'll be able to compete for jobs in most markets.  Getting this experience in now and having a well established portfolio will give you a great advantage over others your age who decide to wait...and when you turn 18 and the market really opens up for you you'll be ready to go instead of just getting started.

    However, what's also extremely important is your education.  Modeling do not retire from their carreer at age 65.  Like I said above expect to pretty much be done by the time you're 30.  If you do decide to get into modeling make sure you stay focused on school and pursue college becuase you'll need something you can do for a career for the rest of your life.

    If you want to get started stay away from the national schools (Barbizon, JRP, Cassablanca's) and the open calls at malls and hotels that seem to run rampant during the summer time.  These places are interested in one thing...your money.  NEVER work with an agency that asks for money up front.  Real agencies invest in their clients, they won't ask for a check simply to work with them.  I'm my 8 years in the industry I've never met a model who felt the overly inflated fees were worth what they got in return (which usually is nothing).  Also, make sure you have the support of your parents.  No reputable photographer with work with a minor without a parent present so they'll be taking you to and from shoots.

    A great place to get started is  it's a huge online community for the industry.  You can find photographers to help you build your porfolio, network and, depending on your market you may be able to find some jobs there too.  Best of all it's free to join.  

    If you have any other questions feel free to contact me.

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