
Is it better to study in spain , france or the US please i need help?

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Is it better to study in spain , france or the US please i need help?




  1. well my friend according to my experience reading and having some relation with these kind of things i guess the best are france and usa . spain is also ok but just if you wnat or know spañish as a second language  ( you also have to be 1000 % sure because .... aprender mi idioma no sera algo . pero se nesecita empeño y mucho diria yo .

  2. You need to clarify was "better" means for you.  Do you want to stay in Europe and be submersed in a different European culture while learning a new language?  Or are you attracted more to North America?

    You may find the tuition fees are lower or non-existent at Spanish or French universities, but quite high at American ones.  There again, there may be funding available towards those fees.

    You can find out about exchanges within the EU (for the Spain and France bit) at:

    And for the US:

    Good luck with your choice.

  3. If you're referring to education wise, your best bet is the United States.  They have a very good education system and a degree from there is notable anywhere in the world.  It can be well worth your money in the end :-)

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