
Is it better to take the summer off before Marine boot camp or to go in right after i graduate HS

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i am in the DEP with the USMC and need help deciding on a shipping date. I graduate mid May of next year.




  1. if you take the summer off it you will be freezing when they put you in the woods for a couple days... but if you go now you get some time with family and friends.  

  2. Training will be harder if you go in directly after high school.  Your platoon will consist primarily of recent graduates, everyone on the same level and as young as yourself, so your drill instructors will put you through your paces at the same breakneck rate.  If you wait out the summer, your platoon will be a mixed bag of all ages and all walks of life and differing level of experience.  These platoons are trained a bit differently than one that has nothing but recent graduates.  The latter is easier to train from the perspective of the drill instructors. Which is better, I couldn’t say.  I know it will be more of a culture shock if you wait, but you would also have that extra time with your family and friends.  Good luck to you.

  3. Take the Summer off!

    I served for 5 years in the Navy and if I could have had more time to hang out with friends and family before leaving (I was only in DEP for about two weeks) then it would've helped a ton.

    Another point to consider is that Paris Island in the Summer is absolutely horrendous.  The heat, humidity and bugs in the Summertime there aren't going to make an already challenging task any easier.

    But again, having that extra time to spend with your family not only will do wonders for you... but more importantly do wonders for them.

    The Summer after your senior year is, for most, one of the most memorable Summers ever.  Enjoy it.  Then go to basic... become a Marine... and make us all proud.

    Thanks in advance for your commitment and service.

  4. I was in the same position as you except that im 21, i enlisted at the beginning of the summer and could go then or go at the end of the summer, i chose October it gives you time so say your goodbyes and live life a little before a big commitment. I personally quit my job went to Europe for a month and now am going to the Philippines for a month. So im just living it up right now and i know it was a good choice because i will have another month to say my good byes when i get home plus a chance to get in better shape before i go instead of coming in like a slug! well what every you chose its your decision and no one else's so do what you believe you is BEST FOR YOU! good luck

  5. take the summer off, east and west coast is HOT, HOT, HOT. if you go in in september you will only have one really hot month.

  6. Its not going to be any easier no matter when you go.  If you take the summer off you run the risk of having to have some kind of waiver when you ship.  You know, celebrating, etc. That might cost you any special program you've got.  Also, some programs hinge on your ship date.  However, There are some lean months for shippers and their not in the summer.  Maybe you can cut a deal with RS Ops.

  7. Depends on what you prefer. If you'd like to go in while you already have a routine and are in school and already working it may be an easier transisition. If you would like to take a summer off and spend some time with friends and family that would work too. I know personally if I sit around for a couple weeks its harder to get back into a routine but it's totally what your preferance is. Btw, thank you in advance for serving our country.

  8. well, if you live on the eastern side of the states... you will be going to Parris Island.  Which is where i went.  So my advice to you is to wait until fall or winter to go.  chill in the DEP, you are burning time off of your IRR time.  P.I. is hot, real hot, real humid, and can be down right miserable.  Granted they will black flag the day if it gets too bad.  But also sand fleas are worse during the summer months. And trust me they are annoying and you drill instructors will tell you to "let them eat".  I went to boot from Jan. to Apr. and it was a good time to go.  Jan was a lil cold but never too bad and it was just warming up in Apr.  Good weather for all the outdoor training.  Now if you live on the west side of the US.... idk man. i have no clue how cali is.

  9. If you love sand fleas, and 99 degree temperatures, Parris Island is the place to be in July.

  10. I say take a vacation while you have the chance. Go hunting, fishing, swimming whatever. Making the transition from High School to military is "high speed" adulthood. Go have some fun one last time as a kid.

    Once in start saving for the next vacation so you can do it a little better. Maybe that R & R Hotel in Honolulu. Just think of the girls chasing you when your 21, a lean mean studley machine working on a tan. Girls do like sober, non smoking guys these days.

    SSG US Army 73-82

  11. It depends. I was older when I joined. I left in 2 weeks of signing. I was glad for that because I needed a job. (I know the military is more than a job, but nobody does it for free.)

    If you want to visit with your family and friends there is nothing wrong with enjoying your summer. Why not try to go during the fall. The weather won't be brutally cold yet, and all the dog-days (hot, hot days of summer will be about over).

    Like others have said once you get into the training it will be a while before you see them again. You might ship out somewhere and not see them again for a while.

    Good luck and thank you for deciding to serve our country.

    Going in the fall is a nice time of year. Think about all the running and training you will do. Fall is a nice time of year to do it.  

  12. I was glad I entered during cooler weather (October). When you are doing physical training, the weather makes a big difference. Downside to this is holidays can get screwed up due to training dates. I sat on base during Christmas since all the instructors were on leave and did guard duty. At the time (1966) boot camp was 8 weeks and then ITR for 2 weeks. I had graduated boot camp and was on hold for ITR.

  13. take the summer off. My best friend/boy friend went in right after and has been able to come home once. 6 months later he still can't take any leave and is being shipped out to japan for years, not knowing when he can come home. He's terribly home sick and I miss him tons too.

    Do it for yourself and loved ones, spend the summer with them and say goodbye.

    Kudos on joining!  

  14. Take time off and relax.

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