
Is it better to tax and spend or borrow and spend??

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either way federal spending will increase 15-20% with the next presidential i the only one sick of the blue bloods in the whitehouse/congress pretending they give a c**p about us taxpayers?




  1. You have hit the nail on the head here. Spending goes up whether we vote Republicans or Democrats into office. In fact, growth in federal spending has averaged slightly higher under Republican presidents versus Democrat ones, dating back through Truman.

    Spending is the problem. Whether through taxation or borrowing, the government is taking the money out of our pockets to pay for the spending.

  2. "Tax and spend" is obviously cheaper because it does not have the added burden of higher interest rates. And because it is on the books and will cause whoever (of either party) is championing the expense to be more studiously criticized it tends to keep it to a lesser level.

    Republicans have been using this borrow and spend method since Reagan came up with the swell idea to "save" Social Security by raising the rates and then spending every additional danged cent of this new pile of tax dollars.

    We have a stinking pile of Dems in Congress that aren't much better.

  3. Add to tax and spend interest and inflation plus hidden costs it is 15% or more cheaper to tax and spend, or pay as you go sounds pretty good, we have serious issues ahead rhetoric and comforting myth won't solve, neither are they best left to future generations to pay off.

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