
Is it better to throw your garbage away or recycle?

by Guest32661  |  earlier

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Is it better to throw your garbage away or recycle? I was told that there were a lot of different chemicals that are used during recycling that actually harm the environment. Does anyone have any insight on this? Any opinions or facts?




  1. it is better to recycle because if no one recycled the world would run our of natural resources if we didn't

  2. It actually takes more energy to recycle most things (plastic, paper, steel) than it does to get it from its natural source.  The only exception is aluminium, which takes a phenomenal amount of energy to be extracted from bauxite.

    The best reasons to recycle, then, would be that it generates jobs in the community, and reduces environmental damage by tree felling and mining.  If we had more environmentally friendly ways of generating electricity, recycling would be even better.

  3. lts best to recycle your bottles and newspapers

  4. garbage or trash?

    most could be used for compost for garden

  5. I would agree with most everyone here.  It is best to recycle and it is fairly effortless at-least if your city has a recycling program.  If not, most cities have a recycling center.  I also tend to buy things that are recyclable so I am not sending unnecessary junk to the land fill.  If we all do our part the landfills will eventually be reduced.

  6. recycle - we get fines if we dont in nj.

  7. Honestly I would say that it's better to recycle I  mean it seems more beneficial after all

  8. recycle, because as proved by garbage specialist said that throwed garbage in landfill need longer time to rot thus recycle to reduce the solid waste is a wise choice.

  9. Recycle is best. I have a compost in the back yard all my non meat items go there. We have a shreader and use it for all the paper we get in the mail as well as bags. this too goes into the compost

    I can tell you this... my garden is beautiful. Potted plants are very happy too. Not forgetting the worms that have come to live there.

    We only put our trash out once a month and it is only half full.

    Regarding your plastic bags we save them and give them to the Library and thrift stores.

    Yes it takes a little more effort. However,  if everyone takes the time to recycle it will make a huge differance in time.

    Our great grand children will be able to live on our planet.

    Please take the time!!!! RECYCLE for the future generations

  10. Recycle!

    I was shocked when I moved to North Carolina and found out they don't even recycle cans and bottles here.Then I found out MOST Southern States don't.

       They all go in the landfill unless you voluntarily set them aside for pickup.

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