
Is it better to turn off the a/c in my apt. when I leave for the day?

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Im gone for about 8-10 hours a day. I have it on at night set to 74 degrees. When I get home, the temp. is between 80 and 82 degrees. Will I waste more energy cooling off the apt. when im back in the afternoon? Or should I leave it on at a set temp.? and if I should leave it on, what would be a good temp.

Thanks for your input.




  1. I always turned mine off. It depends on how big your apartment is though. If you live in a fairly small apartment, it won't take too long to cool the place off. Leave the fan on if you have one, but save money on the energy bill by leaving the air off.  

  2. no. keep it on because when its off all day, it has to use more energy to completely cool the room again. Just set the thermostat a little higher.

  3. I notice my electric bill is a lot lower if I turn it off when I leave.

    It's not as comfortable when I walk in the door but it's fine after awhile.

    I'd suggest turning it off, or turning the temp way up...

  4. 80 - 82 doesnt seem like its really taking a lot of energy.

  5. Personally, if you're gone for that long, I would turn it off completely if I were you - to save you from getting a huge light bill!

    Besides, cooling off the apartment shouldn't take that long, surely!

  6. just leave it on

    if you wish to save a little money, just set it back a few degrees when you leave.  set up again when you return home

    the appliance itself dosnt have to work as hard

    less wasted energy all around, less wear and tear

    Mines not working right now, thank goodness for the attic fan

    when the ac did work, i left it at 79 all the time, a little high

    the bill wasnt too bad

    and i hate steeping from ac to the heat

    its like being hit in the face with a brick

  7. leave it at a set temperature while you're gone and at home. playing with the temperature isn't good...and a good temperature is about 75 but im also living in a semi-attached home so it may be different for you.

  8. For AC at night, you should turn it off as you go to bed, then set a timer for a an hour before you wake up normally, turn the AC on, then sleep for that last hour, the house should be decently cooled by then.

    Same thing applies for the day, just try to find a trusted neighbor or someone who can turn the AC on before you get home.

  9. Don't Kill The Enviromnent!!!!

    Now Answer Mine!;...

  10. Well dear i am not sure where you live, but where i live it has gotten really hot during the day when i am gone to work. I put my A/C on auto. which means it comes on and than off and than on get the idea. Takes less energy, but its still nice and cool when i get home. I leave my around 71-74.

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