
Is it better to wash your face in cool water or warm water?

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My skin is always better once I wash in cool water.




  1. warm is the healthier and the better

    Plz answer mine:

  2. warm to open pores and then cold to close them :)

  3. warm for 3 minutes

  4. If you are feeling cool then wash your face with warm water and if you are feeling warm then wash your face with cool water. Quite simple really.  

  5. cool water to refresh after hot day, warm water after a rather cold day.

  6. Sounds like you have sensitive skin.

    Wash in warm water, splash afterwards with cold to close the pores :]

  7. I prefer warm water personally.....but i guess cold water is better for waking yourself up.

    I'm not sure there is a 'better' way to wash your face. Cold and water do just the same job, though maybe warm water opens up the pores that bit more as people go in hot saunas and steam rooms to condition their skin.

  8. I wash my face in warm water which opens the pores and enables more effective cleaning but I then rinse in cold water that closes the pores, helping to keep dirt out.

  9. then cool it is :) cool water is good to wash your face with.  

  10. You should wash with warm water, then rinse with cold.  

  11. don,t wash your face..

  12. Its better if you wash with warm water as this will clean your pores out.

    then splash with cold water to close them again xox

  13. Warm it will open up your pours better x

  14. both

  15. warm water first.

    it opens your pores.

    then after with cold watrer to close them again.


  16. I use warm water....

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