
Is it better to wash your hands in cold water?

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To Kill bacteria you would have to wash your hands super hot which no one would, and germs thrive in warm areas that’s why you put your food in the fridge( like meat) obviously I don’t mean ice cream or something lol.

So is it better to wash your hands in cold water with soap and dry it very well?




  1. lt really doesn`t matter what you wash your hands in

  2. washing your hands in cold water with antibacterial soap is the best way to go. Hot water gets rid of your natural oils which can dry out your hands. Also dry very thoroughly. Yahoo answers is undergoing construction, so its gonna act up a little. But it'll go back to normal after a few days or weeks or so.  

  3. TO kill bacteria you can wash your hands in hot or cold water. with the soap it really means nothing about temp of water. but hot water does help kill bacteria. Bacteria can survive in colder temps better then in hotter temps. Because your body temp is 98.6  so to feel heat off the water it would have to be 100 degrees F.   at 100 degrees F water boils and boiling water kills bacteria.

    Though hot water does dry out your hands because the temp of the hot water evaporates the natural oils in your skin, so its better to use mild cold water with soap if you want bacteria gone and your hands with its natural oils.

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