
Is it better to win ugly or loose pretty ?

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Is it better to win ugly or loose pretty ?




  1. Is that the new Liverpool motto ?

  2. probely win ugly

  3. if by win ugly you mean play dirty and bend the rules...

    id rather lose pretty

  4. WIN UGLY!!!!

    i mean cannot get any uglier the Kyut on a bad hair day can u?


    i mean look at United's CL win last season it had spitting too so that's ugly but they sure felt good huh

  5. win ugly.  and it doesnt get any more ugly than kuyt lol

    like hansen said, managers dont get sacked for winning

  6. Win pretty :D

  7. win ugly everyday no doubt................

  8. lose pretty.

  9. win ugly everytime mate,

    loose pretty thats for the guners lol

  10. well im sure most of your answer are going to say win ugly is always better to win!! However it really doesnt get much uglier than liverpools poor effort last night ....i really thought st liege were guna win! Hard luck to them - they definatly did loose pretty!!  

  11. it depends how ugly :D

  12. win ugly of course, i'd be a hypocrite if i said different, we didn't exactly play pretty football against Barcalona in the semi's last year did we. Standard may have been the better side but as well as they played the name of the game is to score goals and they couldn't and Liverpool did so fair play to them!

    Also, I've never been his biggest fan but give Reina a pay rise he is worth every penny!

  13. In terms of footballing integrity, and for the respect of the game, it would be much better to lose pretty rather that winning games dirty.

    Alas, the professional football world at present is not that simple. Football is now all about money and the passion and even respect for the game is no longer there. Football is just an avenue for people to earn huge amount of profit. When you are looking at the business perspective, of course it would be much better to win ugly rather than losing pretty.

  14. Win ugly i guess, Arsenal played some good football last year and look what happened to them.

  15. Win Ugly :D

  16. just win and it dnt matter how you do it just win i play football so just win win win

  17. to win pretty

  18. The win ugly can mean two things. One if you're just way boring and your style is ugly or if you cheated. If it's cheat then I rather lose pretty but then if it's ugly then I rather win ugly.

  19. I'd rather get a good 3 point win under my belt they playing great football and losing.

  20. I'd rather win ugly.

  21. I'd rather win ugly than lose.

  22. win ugly

    kuyt  (Y)

  23. it dont matter how u win, just win!

  24. Win ugly.  You can only win trophies by winning.  What good is playing pretty football if you don't win?  Reminds me of Newcastle under Keegan's first reign.

  25. Win Ugly!!!!!

  26. Win Ugly.

    Kuyts da man!


    lmao @ McVicar

  27. win win win

    never look back

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