
Is it better two have two eyes or just one?

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Is it better two have two eyes or just one?




  1. she's happy she got what she wanted

  2. If you want depth perception, you need binocular vision.

  3. One if you're upper class. No point in two when you're that inbred! No-one human is going to see you anyway.

  4. ofcourse everyone would say two,

    but in some case they would change there answer.

    if you were traveling through the mountains with a friend and say you poked your eye out wit a stick and you were crying saying how much you miss your eye and you feel like a monster.

    okay now you have one eye and your friend still has two.

    you and your friend keep traveling and come across a tribe of cannibals[man eaters] and the tribe captures you and your friend. they get ready for there feast while preparing you and your friend,the chief comes over and looks at you,and talks to his people

    you are set free and from afar you watch your friend being cooked,come to find out later from the local villiage that is unholy to the tribes to eat someone imperfect,so having one eye saved your life.

    ]based on a true story but it was'nt with eyes it was about a man with missing fingers,the point is blessing can come in disguise so weither you have one eye or 2 your good the way you are.

  5. i think three would be perfect, you could look left, right and straight ahead at the same time...............

  6. Is this a reference to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's prosthesis?  He manages quite well with vision in one eye, although he possibly lacks some depth perception.

    At age 16, Brown suffered a detached retina after being kicked in the head during a rugby match.  He has since been fitted with an artificial eye.

  7. depends on your preferences really. 2 eyes might get you into trouble whereas the one eye will keep you focused.

  8. The best plan is to have 2 eyes but only insert 1 at a time in your head. This means you could have a virtually unused, defect free eye in reserve should your eyesight fail you in later life.

  9. One.

    Glasses would be cheaper - and the insult would be "two eyes" which just sounds stupid.

    There would be no such thing as crosseyed - and if there was it would be easier to hide.

    And eye make up would take up half the time.

    I've htought about this too much ...

  10. 2, since we were created with two.

  11. Two eyes - with one eye, you have no depth perception and bump into things.

  12. It depends on if you're green and hairy or not.

  13. what a funny question to ask.

  14. Two. It is very difficult to judge distance with only one

  15. Two. Three would be even better lol!.

  16. Two definelty. Having one eye can have major drawbacks when it comes to driving and then there will always be blindspots when walking or crossing roads.  So it's definetly TWO.

  17. the third eye is the most special

    it allows you to see things in people

    ~ they dont know are leaking out

  18. I think two!

  19. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

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