
Is it blowing a gale where you are?

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I am just off the boat gosh it was a bit rough.




  1. sure is,I can here people's dustbins being blown over, and in the morning the roads will be covered in rubbish,pity ,as we live on a nice estate where people take the trouble to look after it,anyway you have a nice strong drink to warm you up after your trip

  2. i just got off a helicopter from an oil rig in the north sea about 3 hours ago and what normally takes us 1 hour took us 1 hour 40 mins.

    aye up here in north east scotland (fraserburgh) its blowing a hooley!!!

  3. Yes it's getting very rough - glad I'm not on a boat! Lol.

  4. Yes, I've got the wind here in the lake district (it must have been something I ate!). I suppose you could call it Windymere. Oops, there goes my bin lid again.

  5. Yes but i wouldnt mind Gail blowing me.


  6. yes it is chuck?

  7. It is here in Fife, it's only really started in the last couple of hours.

  8. Northern Ireland - it sure is!!

  9. Hi "D", glad you're back, I hope your vacation went well, sorry about the boat trip, I hope you are a good sailor!

    Oh! by the way, it's blowing a gale here in (usually) sunny North Wales!

  10. No . But it's COLD! And getting COLDER!          Welcome Back D.   I hope you had FUN!

  11. Bonjour madam

    My niece came over today from ireland and she said teh sam thing i picked her up earlier from teh train station, but its fine here


  12. It is a little windy and cold here in Austin, Texas. Not a gale though.

  13. I was near the coast today in North Wales and the wind was howling.But now that I have come more inland it isn't so bad- a warm very blustery wind.

  14. No. It's actually very mild here. Welcome back hun. Missed you. xxxx

  15. yeah, I have just been on a roof too

  16. Wet and mildly windy here in south yorkshire  but not too bad....Very windy earlier this week though..

  17. yep but its a very warm wind

  18. I saw no ships yesterday but the sea is calmer today....take care.

  19. Slightly windy, not a gale though

  20. Nope, Scotland is reasonably calm weatherwise !!

  21. Its hot and sunny here and the man said mid 80s by midday with a slight of shore breeze keeping thing cool and as i look out over the beach at the deep blue sea i can see a ocean going liner going  by....OK D its bloody freezing even the brass monkey has a blanket, welcome back stranger...door

  22. The weather was very windy earlier, but as settled down now.

  23. it is in leeds

  24. yes it is and im on the east sussex coast

  25. who's gale

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