
Is it boring to wear the same style of make-up on a day to day basis

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because i love doing brown smokey eyes and coral lips because i have blue eyes pale skin and dark chocolate coloured hair

am i being boring??- i love make-up and wearing colour but i just feel dead s**y with brown smokey eyes brings out the blue of my eyes

should i mix it up abit or not?




  1. Nope!

    That sounds so fabulous.

    And by the looks of your picture your quite a stunner!


    Maybe have a day to day look through the week but change it slightly at the weekend :)


  2. You're free to do what you want with your hair and makeup !

    I love what you do with your eyes and lips, and it doesn't sound boring at all!

    Me, I like to play with colors a lot, and my day to day basis is just some thin black liquid eyeliner line, mascara and some pink lip gloss.

  3. no who cares dont change if it looks good.!

  4. No not at all. It's cheaper that way.

  5. Personally, I get bored wearing the same makeup everyday..

    But if you feel s**y and confident with what you're doing, then do it as much as you like!

  6. sometimes specially if its the same eyeshadow

  7. Nah, just keep doing it until you get bored with it, Then mix it up.

  8. no you should do whatever you like!

    i occasionally change my make-up, and try different eyeshadow colours and blushers etc.

  9. it can look samey all the time so maybe having just the odd day in a week where u have a totally different look so then ppl dnt rly know what 2 expect from u

  10. no if you look hot does it matter?

    go with what you like

    and what you feel like you wanna wear


  11. i got bored. I always mix up my make up its fun try it

  12. nah i don't see why it's boring...if it suits you then keep it that way ...but there's no harm in experimenting a bit if you're really bored with it  

  13. Nah I Dont Think Its Boring, But Once In A While I Think You Should Mix It Up Abit.. I Wear The Same Colour Eyeliners That Go With My Outfit.. It Works Well x

  14. you like what you like, at the end of the day!

    if you feel comfortable with it and it looks good, why change?

    i like to mix mine up with two different styles.

    i tend to keep to peach lips and gold, brown eyes for day and at night, i vamp it up with s**y dark eyes and pale lips.

    a change is always good, but stay with what you're most comfortable with!

  15. If it looks good, then stick with it, but if you want a change, then go for it too! You should have a look for when you don't have a lot of time, and a look for when you have a lot of time to work on your makeup


  16. No It's only boring if you get bored with it, if you look your best with this clour scheme stick with it. I had people tell me to cut my hair colour it and change my make-up I hated it and realised I look way better with my style long hair and my choice of make-up. It's all back to normal now after the trauma ha ha. I jazz it up and use stronger colours if I'm going out at night but for day wear just go simple and your relaxed style. Maybe go to a department store show the girl at the make-up cpounter your style full on make-up and ask her to completely restyle you in different colours, have a look if you like use it too if not use your style. It's free just make an appointment.

    The most important and effective accessory you can add to your face is one big fat smile!! :-)

  17. maybe you should mix it up a bit and sometimes wear liquid eyeliner on the top either a brown or a black eyeliner, depending on the weather and what you are wearing. hope i helped

  18. I would mix it up. Maybe you can mix it up on the weekends...

  19. will yea if you feel like that then you should try to change it a bit.

  20. I wear the same make up day to day. Its about finding how you look best and what you like best.


  21. definitly, but depends on what your wearing , i like the o'natural look, haha ( no make-up )  

  22. well i have dark chocolate coloured hair like you and blue eys and pale skin and a shade of pink and red lookes awsome on me maybe a light pink of eyeshawdow would look really good on you!!!!!

  23. i always wear my own awesome style of eyeliner every day without fail which is sorta smokey too, but sometimes i add green dazzal dust or i blend green and gold dazzal dust etc

  24. changing HAIRSTYLE can make a lot of difference to your appearance, even if you wear the same makeup. maybe sometimes you could make the makeup heavier, other days lighter, other days normal. or you could switch from smokey brown to black/charcoal or plum. or maybe add a touch of blue to make an ice cold look - thatl make your eyes look piercing and stunning. hope that helped! oh also, maybe a bit of blusher if you want. but if your makeup makes you feel great, thats awesome! improvise a little and have about 3 or 4 favourite variations. thatl at least make u look interesting and different every now and then.

    but to answer your question, not really. if someone has nice makeup all the time, same style, i alway think they look pretty. i havnt actually perceived it to look boring or "getting old".

    :) x x x

  25. 2 minutes of my life I will never get back... all for 2 pts.  

  26. No thats not boring

    Its YOUR signature thing you do to make yourself look good

    You can change it up if you want on a special occasion or something :]

  27. I always like to mix up my makeup.  I have a few styles that work for me and I like to use them periodically so I dont look the same all week long.

  28. If you love it that much and it makes you feel good then you shouldn't change it:) ....i usually wear an eyeshadow that matches my clothing or a certain accessory i happen to be wearing, but that's just me:)

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