
Is it by law to serve tap water in a restaurant in london or not?

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Is it by law to serve tap water in a restaurant in london or not?




  1. I am unsure, but it is policy to serve p**s-Water in the Pubs.

  2. they are allowed to serve tap water as long as they tell you so

  3. they can charge for it

  4. If you ask for tap water, it should be served.  

    Under the Supply of Goods & Services Act

    When you order a meal in a restaurant you're agreeing to pay for the food, drink and service. It's a contract for work and materials to which the Supply of Goods & Services Act applies.

    While a restaurant can't force you to buy bottled mineral water, it can legitimately charge you for providing tap water, as mean as it might sound. The provision of any water includes an element of service, such as pouring the water into a jug and/or glass and cleaning the jug and/or glass.

  5. They can serve it to you, but they only will if you ask specifically for tap water. Otherwise they will give you mineral water because they can charge you for it.

  6. I have often been told in resturaunts that they arenot allowed to serve tap water.  Various reasons were given.  Health and safety etc but they could just be trying to get me to buy mineral water

  7. As long as they don't use a hosepipe during the ban

  8. It is a grey area in the law, read this article for more information -,...

    It seems restaurants try to get around the law.

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