
Is it called something?

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I'm a very caring emotional male who loves Tomboys.

Though it seems that most heterosexual couples are like males are the dominate strong masculine one and women are the gentle partner. I feel that my heterosexual oriantation is reversed.

I feel like I'm the gentle partner but I'm looking for a strong masculine dominite Tomboy.

Is there a scientific term for this?

It's like the stereotypical label is Sissies that love Tomboys.

But I'm not looking for urban slang labels, more of scientific terms and information on this.

I am straight. It feels like a role-reversed heterosexual thing.




  1. i doubt there's actually a term for it. It's just your personality and your attraction. There are many gentle men, and I some of them happen to be attracted to tomboys.

  2. I never heard of a term for it. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV

  3. well aren't you cute?

    haha, im not sure if there's a word for it exactly, but if you can't find out

    make one up.

    i know for sure that you're not the only guy who's like that and who's wondering that

    haha, good luck!

    okay, i asked my friend, he was all


    makes sense, when i think about it...

    but then i doubt thats what you're looking for

  4. Some guys dig a chick who can kick back and watch the game without needing someone to explain every play to her. Still, others prefer the girlie girls who wear heels, smell nice and do that s**y twirly thing with their hair. At the end of the day though, I think most guys just want to be with someone who's balanced and well-rounded (and I'm not talking about breast size here). We like a little yin with our yang, a little spice with our sugar. In this way, I don't think our needs are any different from yours. You probably want a sensitive guy who can also take charge, right? Well, we want a girl who's as comfortable grilling sausages at a tailgating party as she is searching for jeans at a sample sale.For this reason, you might want to consider throwing a few tricks from the girlie playbook into your game plan. For example, next time you're at the sports bar, do something flirty, like feeding a guy a peanut or laughing and putting a hand on his thigh when he tells a joke. You may even want to trade in your jeans occasionally for something more sultry, like a short skirt. There's nothing sexier than a chick in stilettos who gets Simpsons references.

    not sure there is an actual term for it.

  5. I know a guy who lets his wife walk all over him, like a doormat.It really is pathetic.He is so whipped, like a dog.

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