
Is it change or simply responsible government people yearn for in this election?

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I think that people would follow a new President that wished to, head on, lay out a plan to balance the federal budget, reduce exposure to military actions abroad unless they were required of us, and more generally, seek a responsible government.

Does either party's candidate promise to lead us, or be led by polls, arrogance, or untutored compliance to status quo?




  1. This election is just a joke

    Obama never was meant to win and the demographics tell of a easy

    McCain victory

    I don't think Obama will get close to the number of votes the party of

    the Democrats project..even Hilary is laughing at Barack Obama

    and Bill Clinton all through the convention so far has that look in his

    eye that he is going to get even with the whole world over Barack


    It will be a McCain victory with McCain getting 48% of the vote

    enough to win..but it will be a uneasy victory and McCain will leave

    after one term a bitter man ..but a wiser man..bitter Budweiser?

  2. Different people want different things. I do believe a lot just want change, undefined but still glorious change after the Bush years. In my view huge numbers don't think things through rationally too much, not here and certainly not in the US. The Obama campaign has been very successful in the past in  capturing the spirit of those wishing for change.

    Does either party's candidate promise to lead us, or be led by polls, arrogance, or untutored compliance to status quo?

    They'd both answer that first Q with yes and the latter with no while the truth for both candidates is probably much more in the middle. I personally have slightly more confidence in Obama's leadership because McCain, very unlike 2000, really doesn't seem to be on top of things. I have serious doubts if he will be the man making the decissions if he's elected

  3. I think they just want a reasonable government. Congress has a low rating now because both sides are too partisan. I believe McCain has been successful in bi-partisanship.

  4. A responsible government is change.

  5. A responsible government would be a big change.

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