
Is it cheaper if i'll pay my airline ticket now and still depart on december???or wud it be the same deal???

by Guest66919  |  earlier

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im planning to buy 5 roundtrip philippine airline tickets..and we're leaving on december 20 and will come back on the 3rd of january.easy 10 pts.please help!!!




  1. It is always cheaper to buy earlier.  It is more expensive if you book at the end - they think you're desperate, therefore they charge more $$$.

  2. I would definitley buy them now.  I bought my Maui tickets 6 months before the trip and the people who waited till the month before the trip paid $800 more per person.  Not only that, it gives you more time to pay off that credit card before the holidays!

  3. Plane tickets are cheapest when the trip is far away, or only a few days away. They want to get the plane filled up as soon as they decide to make the flight, and they want it completely filled before it takes off the ground. So now is likely to be cheapest, esp. since I think it is likely gas will be $5 by December. It is in the rest of the world.

    So buy the tickets now, or wait til the week before trip with your fingers crossed.

  4. I don't know about the SAME deal, but I promise it won't be any less!  Go ahead and buy the tickets.

  5. the sooner you reserve your tickets, the cheaper it will be. the airlines limit how many cheap seats there are on any flight, when they're gone you have to pay a higher fare. Plus, with fuel prices going up, fares are going up. they can't charge you more once you confirmed your reservation so they can't stick it to you if gas prices go up farther before Dec.

    They only risk is that if your plans change, you'll have to pay a fee to change your tickets.

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