
Is it cheaper in the long run to buy premium gas?

by  |  earlier

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Considering a higher mpg rate and potenially lower maintanence costs, is it cheaper to buy premium gas? How about Mid Grade?




  1. Some cars do get better gas mileage on higher octane fuels but most don't. If yours does, you have to figure the difference out. If you get 10% better mileage with premium then you only want to use it if the price difference is 10% or less.

    Some exceptions are older cars that require higher octane and don't have knock sensors. If your car calls for premium and you put regular in it but notice a knocking sound then you should use the higher octane. The knocking will do damage to the engine in the long haul.

    My car has a knock sensor and calls for 90 or better octane. I found no difference in gas mileage with regular so I use it. I have had no problems at all.

  2. yes.

    and also get the tank fill in the upper quarter always.

    (  less lose of the more volatiles parts of the gas,which are the  most important for performances)

    since You get better millage,with premium ,less carbon biuld up,.a coolest engine. You will get a lot more endurance of the gasoline

    make the math....

  3. no

  4. You DO NOT get higher gas mileage and lower maintainance costs using premium gas.... ONLY use what the manufacturer says to use in your car. More expensive higher octane gas DOES NOT  mean better performance...... Higher octane gas is generaly required in engines with higher compression ratio's, turbochargers and supercharger engines...... WHAT most people do not realize is higher octane gas flashes SLOWER in the engine NOT faster. Thats right - 91 octane flashes slower and 87 octane flashes faster... The reason for this is to prevent spark knock and pre detonation in higher compression ratio and performance engines. If you have a regular stock type engine then adding higher octane gas will actualy reduce your performance and in some engines reduce your fuel economy.... ONLY use what the manufacturer recommends for your engine. Anything else is a waste of money.....

  5. hii

    y go for gas......

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  6. Yes. My Nissan pathfinder gets 20.4mpg with 92 octane. It gets 19.5 with 89 octane. That's 4.6% better. 92 costs 12cents more per gallon here ($3.819 vs $3.699). So it gets 4.6% better mileage at 3.2% more cost.

    I had similar results with other cars I've owned; an Accord, Corrolla, and Tacoma. They all got aobut 5% better mpg with 92 octane. When gas was $1.80/$1.68 though, it was cheaper to use the lower 89 octane.

    I think the other people answering here never did those calculations.

  7. You won't see enough difference in mileage to notice.  Maintenance?  Probably no measureable difference.

    Cost?  Oh, you bet!

  8. NO absolutely not! no car (cept maybe performance cars) need premium fuel! it might seem like its required, but it does not make a difference at all. if u buy it then your just wasting money

  9. NO, it is not cheaper in the long run.  The grade of octane you put in your gas does not affect either your fuel economy or your maintenance.  Unless your car was designed to run on a higher octane level, you're simply throwing your money away.

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