
Is it cheaper to buy two small containers of detergent than one big one?

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Ok I probably sound confused and math challenged, but the store has Tide Laundry Detergent on sale for $5. It's the 32 load size (15 cents per load). I usually spend $18 on the 78 load size (23 cents per load). Why are the smaller bottles cheaper? Is it because they don't have the spout that you just push the button to pour? I always thought it was more expensive per load the smaller the containers.




  1. Companies are condensing their pruduct so that you get the same or more, just trying to do away with all these huge plastic bottles. They are hoping by early winter to have it all in the stores

  2. It depends on what offers the supermarket has, I have often noticed that two smaller products is cheaper than one large one.  Just keep checking.

  3. powdered soap is more concentrated than liquid soap. they are also measured differently. So it is sometimes difficult to really determine what the per load costs are. For more info you can go to the website

  4. You need to base the cost difference on the liquid ounces each container has, not the amount of loads they can do.

    Generally, larger containers are less expensive, but retailers and manufacturers have to make room for new inventory, especially if the older product has not been selling (prices, afterall, are based on supply and demand).

  5. Larger containers are generally quite a bit less expensive per unit than small ones, but you said yourself the small ones are on sale.  Buy a few of the on sale bottles before the price goes back up.  

  6. When it come to things like that i always look at the weight,and compare the price between the to as sometimes it can work out cheaper buying the two rather than the one, the same goes for liquid detergent just read how much each bottle contains and the same for the bigger one, then work out the price for what you get.

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