
Is it cheaper to...?

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is it cheaper to build a a house or buy one?




  1. Presently you can buy for about 1/2 of what you can build at.

  2. It’s easier to control costs when you’re buying an existing home rather than building a new one, and that generally means savings.

    When you’re building, there will be mistakes that cost you money. You could order the wrong size bathtub for the space your contractor allotted. Then you’re stuck deciding if you want to spend money for another tub or to have wall framing and possibly plumbing moved. With an existing home, you don’t have such issues to worry about.  

  3. .   Always cheaper to buy one.  But a new one is so nice.

  4. Buy obviously! Why the heck would you want all that hassle just to build one house.

    If you want a small Bungalow then maybe..
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