
Is it cheaper to run the air conditioner only at night, or to run it on a high temp all day?

by  |  earlier

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These days, since I work a lot, I turn off the air conditioner all day (approximately 10 hours) and turn it on only when I am home. When I turn it on, for example, it may be 90 degrees in the apartment, it takes nearly an hour to cool my apartment down to 75 degrees. Would it be cheaper for me to run the AC on a moderately high temperature all day, say at 80 degrees, and then turn it down to 75 when I get home so it doesn't work as hard? Or is it cheaper to turn it off the whole day and have it work hard when I get home?




  1. During the day with it off the temperature in the house will rise and in turn heat up everything in the house from chairs to bookcases to floors etc etc. So now when you come home and turn on the air con it not only has to cool down the air but everything else too.

    Whenever i have visited Florida nearly everywhere has there air con at 18 C and on a thermostat.

  2. Regardless I would say that it is using the same amount of energy cause you are only turning it down like 5 degrees.

  3. It's pulling juice all day, so it's not cheaper to run it all day and the night as well.

    I suggest you get a couple of fans, turn them on ,and the ac when you get in.   Put your things down, away, and get a room temp shower or warm, get out, put powder on, and cool breathable cotton lol or at least sit on some, by the time you have a cool drink, start a salad and dinner, you'll feel fresh, cool, and ready for dinner..

    If it gets too cold, turn down ac as the evening progresses and the temp drops. If at all possible then turn off ac and run the fans.  You will be cool, save on your electric bill and help lessen the ol greenhouse  affect.

  4. You should leave it at a temp. that won't make it work so hard

  5. set the thermostat at a temp that is comfortable and leave it alone


    have a program able thermostat installed,  

    I agree that the unit will have to work harder to cool a hot room than to maintain a temp all day

    !!!You can't go by 3 months test of bill followed by another 3 month test unless the test is conducted during the same time of year ( June - Sept two years in a row)

    different seasons put a heavier strain on your HVAC unit

    your power bill will be higher in summer than in spring no matter what you setting you give the thermostat

    you can program thermostat to a high temp say 80 while your at work and set it to come down to 75 by the time kids are home around 4:00 pm

    if your home is well insulated it will hold the overnight temp for a while anyway

  6. i ran it only at night for about 3 months to test this actually. and my bill came out to an average of about $185. i then ran it for another three months constantly at atleast 75 degrees. my average bill came out to be about $200. so constant does use up a lil more power, but is $15 really worth caring about? i still leave it runnign 24/7. infact i dont recall the last time its been off. lol.

  7. ahhhh, i dont pay the bills! i wish my dad was awake!

  8. It's better to set the stat on 78 when you leave the apt. and lower it to 74 when you get home.Do that and you will save more money than the way you are doing it now.

    Try it and you will be pleased at the difference.

  9. 74  "Auto" day and night... keep the drapes/ blinds closed

  10. i believe it takes more gas/ energy to cool a very hot room. I would suggest leaving it at a moderate temp all day & setting it just slightly cooler when you're home.

    Close off all of the vents in rooms you don't use that often. However, be sure to leave the vent nearest to your AC wall mount open. The indoor thermostat is located on it, so you don't want that room to be hot or your AC will run constantly.

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