
Is it cheaper to use a 40watt bulb or a 60watt energy saver?

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Is it cheaper to use a 40watt bulb or a 60watt energy saver?




  1. The 60 wat enegy saver only uses about 15 wats of power to generate 60wats of light.

  2. a 60 watt is better its brighter

  3. If an "energy saver" bulb is rated at sixty watts, it is more expensive to use than any bulb rated at forty watts.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  4. It depends on what the lamp can handle.  But usually energy savers are more efficient in the long run.

  5. There are no 60 watt energy savers. There are 15 or 17 watt energy savers that make as much light as a 60 watt bulb, but it is not correct to call that a 60 watt bulb. Some may call it a 60 watt equivalent, but it is equivalent light and not power used.

  6. Compact Flourescent bulbs ar better for the environment and last longer.  They use less electricity.  I have put them in all of my house and the power bill has gone down.  You can get them in 60 or 40.

  7. You're talking about two complete differents things. The Watts are what you'll pay to the light company. The difference is the brightness.

    You shall have more light per each W in a energy safer lamp than in a bulb.

    If you have both of 40W you will pay the same amount each month for the electricity company, but the energy safer will be brighter (the bulb loose to much energy in heat). How the energy safer's one is more expensive when you buy, it becomes cheaper in a long term. Not only that but has a longer life.

    Please vote if this is the best answer. Thanks.

  8. energy saver cuz it cuts some dollors of you elec bill

  9. The 40 watt bulb would use less energy per hour & be cheaper.

  10. i would pressume 40w would be cheaper

  11. 40 watts costs less than 60 watts, period.

    The 60W saver will be maybe twice as bright though, its a better buy.

  12. By a 60W energy saver, do you mean a bulb EQUIVALENT to a 60W "normal bulb"? If so, then they are generally around 10 to 15W, so would be much more efficient than a 40W bulb.

  13. The new energy saver bulbs save money period. I won a couple from Y/A and from there started replacing all sockets with these. I promise, our electric bill has dropped notably!

    Where I live the cost of electricity is high, and during the winter our electric and gas usually goes up, but the last couple of months it has gone down!

  14. 40 is cheaper but 60 is brighter

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