
Is it cheating?? if my boyfriend sends pictures ?

by  |  earlier

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from his camera phone to other women of his personal parts ??




  1. Yes!  It is also perverted and immature.  But, then, so are most "boys".

  2. Yes.  Why would he want to send pics like that unless he wants her to be turned on by that and take "friendship" to the sexual level.  If your man done this, drop him.  He is cheating on you!  

  3. Um hello duh its cheating you think just sends pioctures of those parts to random people for the fun of it. You dont think anything happens and especially you think that hes not recieving any, Oh ghawd girl your deeper than i thought, you are so oblivious. Dang he is cheatn on you!  

  4. yucko. Who would you be inclined to send photos of your nether regions to, if you were so inclined to take and send pics to begin with. I don't know of any female that likes to look at weiner pix. However, g*y men do.

    What ever he is doing is creepy. Send him on his creepy way to hook up with some other creep. If I caught my husband doing that, lord there would be h**l and misery followed by a big fat divorce.

  5. Yes Haley - Cheating is not the half of it.  How about Betrayal?  Lack of Respect? Nah.... He's not a nice guy.  Get moving hon.  There's better out there for you.

  6. yes yes yes  

  7. One way to find out...ask him if it would be ok if you did the same and see his reaction. If he thinks it's cheating on your part then I would venture to say it is on both parts wouldn't you?

  8. of course

    well if hes showing any

    parts of his body why would he be

    sending pictures anyway :O ?

  9. Eww! Not only is he most definately cheating on you, but he is also disgusting!  

  10. Hmmmmm.  Why would you want to be with a guy who does this?  Ask yourself that.  What he is today will reflect what he is tomorrow.

  11. I wouldn't have anything to do with a guy who disrespected me that way. This guy has some sick problems that I wouldn't want anything to do with. To answer your question, yes it's cheating and you shouldn't put up with that kind of behavior of any guy you are dating.

  12. hes sucks!! slap him.

  13. Well now, just how appropriate is it for him to be gratifying himself sexually with someone else? Wake up sweetie, if he's sending them, he's receiving them. And any woman interested in such an exchange is dangerous.  

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