
Is it child neglect for a mother to not buy her child eyeglasses?

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i know a mother who hasnt bought her child eyeglasses in about 6-7 months. the worse thing is, she is having her child wear HER glasses, which are not the childs prescription, obviously. the other child also needs glasses and has none. is this child neglect?




  1. it certainly should be

  2. Maybe the kid's vision is not that bad.

    Or maybe she will lose the classes.

    If she can see in her mothers classes, then what is the point in buying new ones,.

  3. Yes it is. All she is doing is further damage to her child's eyes.

  4. yes it's neglect - possibly not in it's worst manifestation, but it's neglect all the same.  everyone's eyes are different - by making her kids wear her glasses, she'll be damaging their eyes.  if you wear the wrong prescription, you'll experience headaches. could feel dizzy, and your eyes will hurt from straining to focus through lenses which might be too strong or too weak.  

    Also lenses are shaped so that the focal point through which you look is in the centre of the lens.  Due to the difference of proportions in an adult and a child, even if her child is an identical prescription, by the fact that their face is smaller, they will not be looking through the focal point, but through the edges of the lens.

    I do also wonder how the mother copes with day to day tasks, as surely she can't see properly when her children are wearing her glasses......

  5. I would say yes, as wearing the wrong prescription can do permanant damage to the child's eyes.

  6. I would say yes. I know money may be a factor but you can do more damage then good for that child not having them in glasses or even more havign them in glasses not for them.

  7. I don't have health insurance, my daughter has a congenital cataract, my salary isn't great, but I manage to find $160 every 6 moonths to take her to the optamologist to have it checked up- it is minor and so they are just monitoring it.

  8. So is the father a bad father cause he does not take him or that he may not even know about it..

  9. Absolutely yes!! she has a responsibilty for her childs care...this is neglect...

  10. Yes it is, the mother is just making the child eyes worse this will affect his/her learning which will have a huge impact in the future. Money might be a problem but it in the long run paying a few hundred dollars is better than knowing that the child can't pass high school because he/she can't see the board.

  11. Send the mother this link:

  12. This isn't even funny, I would call child services myself, that poor baby could hurt herself.   God Bless.

  13. If she could argue something like religious reasons or a proven fact that eye sight gets better with time, whatever, then no. But if she's just being lazy or cheap about it, yes, she is supposed to cover her child's needs, and she is not fixing a minor thing that could get a lot worse and costly by having her daughter wear glasses with the wrong prescription.

  14. I would say yes. If the specs degree is not to the child's presription, thats even worse. It may be harming the childs eyesight. Remember, we only have one pair of eyes to use for the rest of our lifetime.

  15. Yes it is. She could be doing more damage to his eyes by not providing the right glasses. Hers could either be to strong or not strong enough for him

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