
Is it classed as immigrating if you move from england to say...ireland?

by  |  earlier

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or scotland, wales ect




  1. LoL what is it with some people and their belief that Ireland is part of the UK?

    Different countries ;} different governments ergo immigrating :}

  2. Yes, England and Ireland are 2 separate countries.

  3. I think you mean emigrating. If you move to Ireland, then yes as it is a Republic and therefore a foreign country. But to move to Scotland or Wales, then no, as they are both governed by England, unfortunately.  

  4. With the free movement within EU, I wouldn't really call it immigrating.  Maybe I would call it migrating.  The EU free movement works like the US, it's as easy to move from one country to the other as it is to move from one state to the other.  Nothing says the people will stay in Ireland either, in a couple of years, maybe they'll go to Spain or Denmark or whatever.

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