
Is it cold in outer space?? I am refering to space in general, not a partucilar planet's atmosphere.?

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Is it cold in outer space?? I am refering to space in general, not a partucilar planet's atmosphere.?




  1. It is absolutely freezing in outer space.

  2. Astronomers tell us that the solar wind and interstellar gas clouds are over a thousand degrees and sometimes in the millions, but also that the cosmic background temperature is minus 455 degrees Fahrenheit.

    In outer space one would also face extreme changes in temperature. The temperature in the sunlight is 120 °C, which is higher than the boiling point of water. In the shade the temperature is about -100 °C, way below the freezing point of water. The body tissue (skin, heart, other internal organs) would expand because of the boiling fluids. However, they would not "explode"as depicted in some science fiction movies, such as "Total Recall". Death would occur within one minute.

  3. Yes , it is actually well below freezing.

  4. No! I would think it would be very sunny. I mean, if it's really hot on a hot summer day on Earth, how hot would it be outside of Earth? You'd be closer to the Sun, sooo...I don't think it's cold in space.

  5. space is nothing. it has no temperature.

    if you receive energy from somewhere, like the sun, you will be warm.

    if you don't, your heat will radiate in to space and you will get cold. not bcuz space itself is cold, but bcuz it is a perfect absorber of heat.

    most spacecraft have enuf equipment and ppl on board that they have to work at keeping cool. this is why shuttles are painted white, so they don't absorb too much heat from the sun.

  6. The cosmic microwave background radiation is only 3 or 4 degrees above absolute zero.  Your body is hundreds of degrees hotter, so you radiate heat like crazy.  Space is cold.

  7. An astronaut in space will be 300 deg.F. on his sunny side and a minus 250 deg.F in the shadows.

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