
Is it colic or what!? Formula question as well?

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Our son started out on Lipil Iron and at 2 weeks started straining, turning red, crying a lot, and seemed miserable. We took him to the doctor and he changed his formula to Gentlease. We had him on this formula for 3 weeks. The second week seemed OK but by the end of the third week he was more miserable than ever. He acts like he is hungry then when he starts to eat he chokes/gags/ spits out the bottle and cries frantically. He will also wake up during naps and have screaming fits. Holding him upright while standing almost always makes him feel ok. Sometimes I can feel the rumbling in his tummy while placing my hand there. Two days ago we decided to try Nutramigen. He calmed down somewhat but his symptoms are still the same. Im taking him to the doctor tomorrow but Im just wondering what this sounds like?? New parents here.




  1. Is the baby particularly really gassy? have you tried using the mylicon drops before each feeding? Also using different positions for burping.. it could be reflux. My son has always been really gassy and he did that a lot.. one method that many parents and doctors dont say (for burping, my mom used to do this with me, because i was the same, really gassy baby) is sit the baby on your lap facing outward, put both your hands around the babies belly and push a little, then rock yourself and baby back and forth (like a rocking chair) Good Luck! I hope the baby get through this rough patch.

  2. Sounds like colic and reflux. Have your ped.diagnose your baby-stick with Nutram. Formula!!

  3. I honestly do not understand why people question when their babies get sick when they feed them factory-made food.

    And I'm not a "breastfeeding n**i", I used formula as a substitute sometimes.  But, geeze, at least I KNEW the side effects!

  4. i have the same problem and use the same formula try soy.  the doctors also told me my 2 months and has acid reflux

  5. My baby  boy is 3 months. I would feel his belly rumble and he would let out a yell the first couple weeks... THEN... He started screaming in fits for about an hour a night. I tried the drops and they worked for about 2 days. I switched to similac sensitive. It was a lifesaver! after the first day it worked and now he is GREAT! no more fits ever since.  I also tried the gentlese... he didnt care for it at all.

  6. Sounds like spit-up and gas. My daughter had the exact same thing. We tried Similac and she spit it up all the time. I took her to the pedi and they wanted to prescribe Zantac. Well I had mothers instinct and didn't like giving my dd medicine so early!  So I switched to Enfamil Gentelease like you but she got consitpated.  Finally, I switched to Nestle good start w/ natural cultures and it worked like a charm.  I would say just take her to the doctor and see what he recommends but I do know from experience that sometimes you have to try every one out there until it works. I also have heard that doctors these days over-prescribe Zantac for babies when they don't need it and a change in formula is all they need.  Also, a lot of times they grow out of these problems. The just have a developing digestive system and that's all.  I also like to add that breastfed kids also spit up, have gas, colic, diarrhea, and constipation sometimes contrary to what some would have you believe.  Whether breast or bottle babies usually have some sort of feeding issue.  Don't feel bad because you did the best thing for your child and you know it. You wouldn't have done it if you thought it was harmful.  Good luck to you.

  7. Poor baby! My baby has reflux, so I can tell you that this doesn't sound like reflux to me since I didn't feel anything going on in her tummy and she never once gagged or anything like that while eating. Her problems came awhile after eating and she would get especially upset when lying on her back. He may need to be switched to a soy based formula. It's SO hard to see your baby hurting, I hope you get some answers soon. It's good that he's seeing his pediatrician tomorrow, please give an update!

    edit: Now's there's side effects to formula? How ignorant. It takes a real piece of work to see a mom going through a tough time and attempt to make them feel worse.

  8. 1/2 Lipil, 1/2 gentle ease.  

  9. went through the same with my son. it was acid reflux. one dr. finally prescribed zantac liquid for him and it worked. stopped giving it to him at about 3 1/2 to 4 months when he outgrew the reflux. good luck

  10. wow you just described my 16 week's been a rough ride for us to.i have him on enfamil prosobee soy milk.seems to be he started teething like crazy so im dealing w/ that now.if its not one thing its another

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