
Is it common for a 7 year old boy to still sleep in pullups?

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Is it common for a 7 year old boy to still sleep in pullups?




  1. my son is 9 and he still has to wear pull ups at night, apparently until there brain matures a hormone to be realized at night they will still wet. i am under a consultant for this and we have discovered he has a small bladder, you should consult your doctor if you havent allready there are tablets they can have that melt on the tongue but for my son only worked for a couple of weeks. i know how upsetting it can be for you and your son but just stick with it and push it with the doctor dont let them tell you he is still young or make you feel like a paranoid parent there is things that can be done. good luck and i hope this has helped a little. please dont feel you are the only ones going through this cos there are lots of us out there. check out the website e.r.i.c. there is some good advise on there.

  2. Actually it can be common for children up to age 14 to still wet the bed at night.  Their bladders are sometimes still weak and can't hold as long at night and they get locked into sleep because of a common sleep disorder so they don't wakeup to use the restroom like they should.  Most stop by 14 years old.  Now if a 7 year old is having to wear pullups during the day that is a sign of a medical problem.

  3. Unfortunately boys tend to wet the bed more than girls. I had a boy still wearing pull ups at age ten. I hope your son grows out of it soon.

  4. it's actually very common esspecially for boys. My son is 8 and wears a goodnights to bed every night because he wets every night no matter what we do. We have had him in for tests to make sure nothing medical was happening and all checked out fine. It's just something he needs to outgrow. The doctor told me it's very normal and common.

  5. My 7yr old boy wears the Goodnight underpants to bed at night. He does pretty good as long as he doesn't drink before bedtime and he uses the bathroom before bedtime. But sometimes he just has to have something to drink, but not alot. I hope he grows out of it soon.

  6. My son still had occasional accidents when he was 7. Just from looking at the questions on here I see that it's pretty common. If you are concerned talk to his doctor.

  7. It's not uncommon. When i was his age I remember two people my age at the time that did. Now as adult and having a child and knowing other children that age I know another two  that do. I would recommend having him seen by a doctor. There are medical reason for bedding wetting. Or he could be a heavy sleeper or busy dreamer that could still cause bed wetting.

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