
Is it common for people to get an upset stomach after a hard run, when they're not used to running hard?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't been running in a really long time. I'm in pretty good shape, but not really a big cardio fan. I went for a 2.5 mile run today. without stopping... at a pretty consistent speed... I finished my run, and about ten, fifteen minutes later, my stomach became completely upset (nausea, a little bit of diarrhea, bloated feeling). Is this common? I've heard of runner's diarrhea... Maybe that's it? Got done running about 2 hours ago, and still experiencing the symptoms. Could the upset stomach be from the run? Or could it be something else? ...Is this common?

Maybe it was the latte I had a few hours before the run? Maybe it triggered it? Who knows.

Thoughts please...




  1. Ok theres alot of things you did wrong but no biggy, lesson hopefully learned, lol. First, you can be in amazing shape and not be a good runner ( not saying your not) running uses alot of muscles you dont use normally so if you feel cramps or aches its totally normal. If your consistant in running daily or every other day they will fade. ( unless you push yourself to your limits). Make sure your give yourself at least an hour after you eat to go for a run, four hours if you have dairy products in your system and try to completely cut out caffeine ( I know, you can stone me later but caffeine is actually bad for you especially if your a runner) If you go out for a run with food or drinks still being digested you will experience many bad symptoms some of which you mentioned. Its because you body is working on two different things and running calls for alot!!!!

  2. Yes its probably because you pushed yourself a little more than usual.Its very normal but that feeling will go away when you start running more.  

  3. it probly was the latte. anything with too much fat or milk takes a long time to digest.

  4. Quite a common bodily response.  Whenever I go for lengthy runs I make sure I last ate about 2 hours prior.  Always remember to eat within 15 minutes of completing the run - speeds up recovery, etc.  Also if you can get access to a heart rate monitor that could see what's happening with your body.  Good luck with it all.

  5. normal

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