
Is it common practice in your doctors office to ask you if you are being abused.....?

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at home or are scared that someone will hurt you, either verbally or physically at home?

My doctors office staff and my physician all ask at every appt. if I am scared or being abused at home, they also ask the kids. I think it is a great way to open up communication with their patients about something that maybe they are to scared to start a conversation about.

Do your physicians and hospitals do this?




  1. Theydo that at mine.  I think it is common practice.  I think it's good that way they can help the women who need it.

  2. no, I have never been asked that. Here its not common practice, unless abuse is suspected. I guess its common other places though.

  3. Yes they do.

  4. Yep, they do.

    At first I was a little surprised about the question, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was truly a great question for them to ask.

  5. yes, they do this.  when i went in for my surgery and to have my baby, they made sure i was alone first.  

    they are giving woman an opportunity to speak up.

  6. Yes , they just want to make sure you are safe ..

  7. Yeah.  It's kinda dumb.  Most abused people aren't just going to pipe up "Yes, sure, I'm being beaten silly every night".  Come on now.

  8. i didnt get asked this by my doctors but all the hospitals around here ask that every time you go

  9. It might be a common practice in your doctor's office.  It isn't in any that I have ever been to.  

    Honestly I would be rather bothered if a doctor ask a question like that, unless it was doctor that I knew for many years.

  10. When I was at the hospital after my daughter was born they made my husband leave the room so they could ask me this.  As for the doctors, they asked the very first appt, and have not asked since.

  11. yes all medical offices and hospitals HAVE TO ASK it..... its part of their required protocall

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