
Is it common sense that when you buy a pool that you buy chemicals and a cleaning kit?

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When my mother in law's 55 year old boyfriend gave her a $50 bill to buy a pool for her 8 and 9 year old kids (yes, she has kids) she bought only that- a pool. She makes enough money to buy her own, but tends to think she's broke no matter how much money she has (disorder or something).

Anyways, she never bought a vacuum hose/ skimmer net, or any pool chemicals. She dumped in the entire container of shock that it comes with to start up the pool. Her daughter has lesions from swimming in an over shocked pool.

Granted, I grew up having a swimming pool until the age of 12, I know just about everything about maintaining a pool. We bought a pool this summer too. Along with the purchase came chemicals, a cleaning kit, a water testing kit, a cover, etc. I thought this was common knowledge, but apparently not many people are aware that Quick Set pools need chemicals and need to be cleaned.

Is my mother in law an idiot, or is this that common? She begs us to buy her a pool cover too!




  1. some people are born with common sence others are just born.

  2. NO its not common knowledge... for 50 bucks at most you got a simple little pool.  

    Don't make judgements about her money situation she may have it really tight no matter how much she makes because she is facing retirement, has a couple of kids and may have things happening you dont' know about.

    At any rate I digress,  Put together a kit for her size pool and take it to her as a gift for summer fun.... bring along some hotdogs, hamburgs for 4th of july and have a party.

    You can also spend time with the kids teaching them how to skim the pool properly

    Hope all goes well and that this helps.

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