
Is it common to get complications with pregnancies and the baby having a child later in life?

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My friend and I were talking today, and I was saying that I really don't want to have children until I'm 34, 35ish. My friend then told me that if I wait that long there's a good chance that I could lose it, or have complications and possibly have a child with downs syndrome or something similar.

Is she right? My mum had my 2 brothers and I from 37+ and we are all fine. Is it really that much high risk?




  1. The risk of having a child with Downs typically increases after the age of 40

  2. Yes age 35+ is considered "high risk". I think part of the reason is based on statistics that older women have more pre-existing health problems in general than women in their 20s like high blood pressure & such but also after age 35 egg "quality" is reduced and the chance for birth defects such as Downs/Trisomy are heightened because your eggs are older.. The risk for Downs starts increasing bit by bit as you approach 40, then dramatically after age 40. The chance for Downs are 1 in 378 at age 35, 1 in 106 at age 40 and 1 in 38 at age 45. This also raises the risk of early miscarriage because of a genetic defect in the fetus.

    Many times when you hear about women in their mid 40s or later having babies it was through IVF or donor eggs were used. According to my midwife, the risks of unexplained fetal demise also increases threefold at age 38 then continues to increase. But plenty of women ages 35-41 get pregnant the natural way & have healthy babies. When I had my first baby I had just turned 35, then I had 3 miscarriages and now due with #2 in Oct at age 40.  If I were you, I  wouldn't wait until your are over 35 to start trying because you never know if you are one of those women who will run into problems trying to conceive or has trouble maintaining a pregnancy.

  3. There is a positive correlation between the mother's age and the chance of problems. Meaning as your age increases the chances of "complications" increases.

    Studies suggest that your risks increase after age 30-35

  4. The chances get higher and higher as you go. I am 20 and pregnant and the chance of my baby having down syndrome or Turner's syndrome is like 1:1500 and a friend of our family is also pregnant at the age of 40 and her chances were 1:15.  Turners syndrome affects like 1 out of every 2500 girls. She is having a girl and just received her results back from her sequential screening that your obgyn can provide for you and her daughter is going to be a Turners syndrome baby. They do the sequential early enough for you to know so that you can abort if that is even an option for you. I know the likely hood of you having a child before 35 and everything being okay is better than having a child after. If you want to wait that late then just stay in great health and get checked by the gyno regularly they can help you out better than anyone else can! I hope that helped!

  5. there are  some risks when you have a baby at that age. Your friend is right, but it doesn't always happen. Best thing to do is talk to your Doctor about it.

  6. It's higher risk once you're around 35.  Chances of babies born with Down's Syndrome increases dramatically.  Much better for you and your babies to have them before 35.  (not to say mom's 35 and older don't have healthy babies, they do, but many don't.)

  7. Hi ya

    I am a "late in life soon to be mom".  I am 39 and I am expecting twin girls on Christmas!!  = )   Couldnt ask for a better Christmas gift then this blessing.  

    I am considered "high risk", 1st for my age and then 2nd for being pregnant with twins.  

    I have been told all the "doom and gloom" stories by the doctor and all the tests I can have done to make sure the girls are ok.  We have decided not to have the different tests done.  Its not going to change how we feel about our girls.  I know they have to tell me about them and then its my decision to have them or not.  I've done alot of research on the numbers and percentages.

    I am in good health and all is going well.  I see my dr alot though.  I go about every 2 weeks and soon it will be once a week.  I have more sonograms done to check on them and make sure all is good.  ( Fine by me since I get to see them ).  They are growing at a good rate and seem pretty content in my belly.  lol

    I do know I might be put on bed-rest in the coming weeks which is ok.

    There are risks with any pregnancy.  I just listen to my dr and do what I am supposed to do.

    I know a few women who have had "late in life" babies and all have had happy, healthy babies.  

    Hope that helps.

    PS  my mom had me at 35  = )  

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