
Is it common to see a Welsh who doesn't speak Welsh?

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I mean, is it possible to see a Welsh who lives in CARDIFF and knows ANYTHING about the Welsh (language). ANYTHING, she hasn't learnt it at school either and speaks English at home but she is Welsh and lives in Cardiff. I'm writing a story and I need to know (:

If you gave examples of the real Welsh friends of yours, it'd very nice (:

and the Welsh people are highly welcome to answer.




  1. My mother was born and raised in Swansea and she didn't learn Welsh until after she emigrated to the US.  From what I have heard, there is now a great effort to retain the Welsh culture and more are learning the language, but English is still dominant.

  2. Welsh is the Dominant language of Northwestern and Southwestern Wales I.e Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire, Northern Pembrokshire, Northern Swansea, Western Neath an portalbot, South Western, North Western, Western Powys, Western Clwyd, Denbeigh, Gwynedd and Anglesea.

    Welsh is spoken as a first language by 21% of the population on a daily basis with around 30% having a basic grasp of the language, And most people knwo phrases as such and what have you. Everything is now bilingual in Wales and there is a great effort to bring the Welsh language back as the Main language of Wales, The Welsh assembly government clearly states this.

    So at the moment yes it's very common to meet a non speaking Welsh person, But 45% of children below the age of 15 are now fluent in Welsh and can read, write and speak Welsh.

  3. Of course, it's still common except the cities the user above me listed. My ex internet bestfriend was from Cardiff and she wasn't be able to speak Welsh.

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