
Is it complicated to become a vegetarian?

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I have been disturbed by some of the things I have been reading about meat lately. The amount of hormones and antibiotics that are given to the animals seem to be dangerous to our health and I worry especially about my children's small bodies. How hard is it to become a proper vegetarian and get the correct amount of proteins, etc?




  1. Do it gradually. Stop eating red meat first, when you are comfortable with that eliminate poultry. If you want to go all the way give up seafood and dairy. You can still get enough protein from things like soy and certain legumes, hard wheats like semolina. You just need to do your research and work a little harder in the kitchen to turn out a good meal but it's easy once you know what you are doing. There's hundreds of cookbooks and sources on line

  2. Not at all. I don't even think being veg@n is too complicated, so being a regular vegetarian would be a piece of cake to me. There are so many protein rich food other than meat. Beans, soy/rice/almond/hemp milk, nuts, legume, tofu, faux meats.

  3. Depends on how much you like meat.  If you don't think you will miss chicken, beef, pork, etc...then it's not hard at all.

  4. i wouldnt say its complicated, but i would you need to make a conscious effort to be sure you are getting enough proteins, iron, etc. a lot of people just stop eating meat, but dont eat anything to make up for the protein theyre no longer getting. ive been a vegetarian for 5 years, and there are plenty of replacements out there making it much easier to eat a vegetarian diet.  

  5. Don't eat meat, eat beans and nuts.  Not complicated.

  6. It's really not all that complicated.  Cut out red meat first (that's the worst anyway) then just limit the amount of other meats.

    There is protein in so many things:

    1. Soy ie: Tofu and veggie burgers

    2. Nuts

    3. Garbanzo Beans

    4. Tuna (I personally still eat seafood) it's very healthy and not as cruel to me as other meats.

    Good luck with this :)

  7. You can go here:

    and at the bottom there are a few links on how to become a vegetarian.

    Good luck!

  8. It's no more complicated then a diet that includes meat. You just replace meat with fake veggie meats and, or: beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. If your going to include dairy and eggs in your diet they provide a lot of protein too.  

  9. It's very easy.....if you're literate.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help if you see proof that vegetarian people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  10. I say it is complicated to be a vegetarian.  That means you have to search harder for the necessary ingredients.  Sure, people say it is healthy, but I personally don't find it cool to be a vegetarian.  Sometimes, you are forced to eat what you don't want.  

  11. It's far less complicated than most people believe.  Protein, which is usually the main "concern," is plentiful on a well-planned vegetarian diet.  Google the vegetarian food pyramid to see just how easy it is to meet your nutritional needs on a mostly plant-based diet.  Where people run into pitfalls is with loading up on junk food instead of eating whole grains, legumes and fresh produce.

    There is a wealth of information available out there about raising vegetarian children (which both the American Dietetic Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics approve of, by the way.)  An excellent resource is "Raising Vegetarian Children" by Joanne Stepaniak and Vesanto Melina.

  12. It is very easy and healthy to be vegetarian.

    Take variety of vegetarian food to meet your all nutritious demand.

  13. It's not complicated at all.  It's just a matter of deciding that you want to make that decision and then educating yourself about the healthy alternatives to meat.  There are many other sources of protein available for a healthy diet.  Frankly, most Americans eat far too much meat for a healthy lifestyle anyways.  I don't think parents should force their children to be vegetarians or vegans though.  Let them make their own informed decisions.  It certainly won't hurt them to eat far less meat than every day, though.  

    For some people being a vegetarian is a more difficult decision that others, but I wouldn't say it's complicated.  I tried to become one when my friend did years ago, but by the end of one month I was ready to bite someone to get a little meat and gave it up (to the great relief of my friends and family! LOL!)  It taught me that I could live just fine with a lot less meat in my diet though, and I don't regret the attempt or the education about nutrition I got while learning how to try to be one.

  14. I'm vegetarian.

    I find it easy.

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    should put you off.

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