
Is it considered assault to squirt someone with a watergun?

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Is it considered assault to squirt someone with a watergun?




  1. dont think so

  2. It can be a battery - which can be committed by physical harm or provoking or insulting act in nature.

    You could be arrested - depending on your intent and the perception of the other person.

  3. some kid 3 yrs ago got his head blown off because he confronts an innocent bystander with a water gun that looks like a real gun.

  4. In Missouri, causing any unwanted physical contact is assault.  This includes spitting, throwing things, etc.

    The same rule could be applied to a watergun, I suppose.

  5. This could fall under a few categories depending upon what circumstance had occurred:  Harassment, Disturbing the Peace or an Assault charge if you squirt someone in the eye or something... causing them injury.

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