
Is it considered child molestion if.?

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Is it considered child molestation if the man touched you licked you and threatened you take off your clothes and be touched and licked? Because I am 12 years old and I was molested from the ages 3 to 5. My grades are slipping because I can't studdy because all I have are flashbacks of this happening. I have nightmares and wake up in a cold sweat. Thinking about this haunts me. I haven't told my mom or any of my friends. I can't even tell my sister. I even lied to her when she asked me have I been molested before . I don't know what to do . HELP!




  1. Yes, that is molestation. You should talk to a counsellor or someone that you trust. It's good that you're asking about it now though. And just to let you know, if it's not still going on, if you tell a therapist it's confidential and it's illegal for the counsellor/therapist to tell anybody (even adults or parents) about it if you don't want them to. You should go to your school counsellor. Good luck :]

  2. tell them they will only try to help and if the flashbacks are hurting your school life then you may need to see a counselor the similar thing happened to me

    and trust me i hid it for almost 6 years and the day i started to see a therapist

    all of the flashbacks slowly stopped help yourself before you fall behind too much to catch up

  3. it is important you tell your mum, and be prepared to tell the police as well.

    Also ask your family doctor if he can arrange some counselling for you.

    all the best hun and good luck

    be strong xx

  4. Tell your family so they can help you get the help you need to be happy again.

  5. Yes, you have been molested and you need to talk 2 some1 about it ASAP. Your mom should be the 1st person you talk 2 so she can understand whats going on with you.

  6. yes that is child molestation. You need to talk to your family about it, because keeping it inside of you will only cause you to keep on suffering. Let it out! You have people all around you who love you very much and want to help you.

  7. That absolutely is child molestation. Tell your mother or a trusted adult at school immediately so that you can get the proper help and support.

  8. He did do it or threatened to do it?  Is this man still around you or your sister?  You need to tell the school nurse, a teacher, principal, or policeman.  Let them help you.  You need some counseling so that you won't keep having flashbacks and nightmares.  Telling will be the first step to getting the help you need.  If you don't think your mom will believe you, go to another adult.  If this man is a friend of your moms, don't tell her, go to another adult.  

    It isn't normal for sisters to ask this question unless they are suspicious or if they have been molested.  I don't know how old your sister is but the two of you need to help one another.

  9. You need to tell your mum so she can help you, and you need to talk to someone professionally otherwise it will continue to stay with you. Goodluck. :)

  10. Yes, you should find some therapy, and closure by telling someone; besides us.

      Telling us is a good step, but do yourself a favor and tell your mom. She will help you, i promise.

  11. if your not comfortable telling your mom tell your teacher. You kinda have to say something thats kinda important

  12. Yes tell your mom or ANYONE you trust whoever did that to you could be doing it to other kids and It would make you feel better if you got it off your chest. Good luck and Im sorry that happened to you.

  13. Dearest, yes this is molestation.

    And yes, it is hard to tell. But you must. It will be the beginning in your healing progress.

    Sometimes, adults do not (want) to believe, when they hear something so terrible. Then you will have to talk to another person. You can talk to your mom, school councilor or the police.

    Please, do not keep this to yourself!

  14. Yes.  That was molestation.  You are going to have to talk to someone about it or you will continue to have problems.

    I'm sorry this happened to you, sweetie, but you've got to get some help.

  15. Tell someone. Its very important. This pervert could be doing this to other children. Have him arrested and make him register with the s*x offender list. Make him suffer as he has you!!!!!

  16. YES, that is molestation, and you need to tell an adult like a counsellor at your school.

  17. Yes this is most likely a memory of molestation & you should tell your mother.

  18. Yes, absolutely. And if this actually happened you have to tell someone about. I'd suggest the police would be the safest and most practical option. They can help and protect you from this ever happening again and possibly catch the criminal.

    Good luck.

  19. you have to tell someone,, if not mom then a trusted adult,,

    you might have to go to counseling if this keeps up

    please don;t keep this to yourself,, it doesn;t getting any easier that way, i should know

  20. It's not healthy to keep this secret inside you. Tell your mom.  This is not ok that this happened. I was also molested, and it does haunt me occasionally now and then. I was molested by 3 different people during different times in my life, age 7-9 and by someone else at the same time from 7-10, and again later on from 15-16.  This NOT ok.  I finally got strong and did something about it. I told my mom about the first one and went to counseling.  While I didn't think it would do anything and didn't think I was emotionally damaged, I could have been later in life.  You need counseling in order to be comfortable with boys and men later in life and you need to be able to trust men, when you're older and want a serious relationship.

  21. yes and u need to tell ur mum, u did nothing wrong, he cant hurt u tell her

  22. First of all you should talk to your mother immediately! Yes, it is molestation! I surely hope that whoever did this is far gone! You are in need of some counseling as soon as possible. If you contact the authorities at this point, it'll probally be hard to press any charges. I mean it's been 7 years. Talk to your mother honey, and be very honest. The sooner you open up the quicker you can get on with your life and put this horrific ordeal behind you! I wish you the very best!

  23. yeah hun that molestation talk to your mom about it she wont be angry with you, something like that you cant keep to yourself, that creep shouldn't be aloud to get away with what he done, my thoughts are with you.

  24. Yes sweetie.  It is considered just that.  And your sister, just might be the answer to helping you.  If it isn't her, then contact a local athority and explain to them or even a teacher, school counsler or someone like that.

    Explain to them you've not told your family, friends or sister because you're scared to.  

    If you don't, then you may have to deal with this the rest of your life.  

    Not to completely scare you, but look at this website and scroll down to where it says Supporting Child Abuse Awareness.  Click on that!  Please!

  25. Yes that is, but something doesn't sound right--too dramatic-

    can't quite pin it down---

  26. Yes, you were molested, you should tell somene you trust, no one can help you if you don't tell someone it happened.

  27. The answer is yes and you need to get some help to deal with your feelings.

  28. You need to tell your mom, it is obviously effected you and you need the proper help and need to talk to a counselor to help get passed it. Its not your fault so you shouldnt be scared to tell your parents. And the person vvho did this to you needs to be reported! Thats just vvrong and they could be doing it to other kids.

  29. any time some one does that and you never said yes then it is child molestation... You need to tell your Mom, so she can get you in therapy.... I.m so sorry that you need to go through this but get help soon the nightmares won;t go away...

  30. You were molested. U need to tell yur mom and get some help. Go to the counsler. If it still haunts you its not good

  31. yes I was too by my uncle from 4-8 and no one knows you will never get it out of your head I told my husband and a few people I trust but never my dad

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