
Is it considered murder?

by  |  earlier

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okay so if you're eating and your friend makes you laugh and then you choke and die, is it considered murder?

think deeply.





  2. No.  Wait I am thinking deeply..................

    umm still no.   Lets blame the waiter who served the food or the farmer, he supplied the 'weapon'   lol

  3. Murder means it was premeditated and they intended to kill you.

    If anything, it would be manslaughter, though I really don't see that as a possibility, either.

  4. No. But think of it this way...if you were choking and your friend just sat there without trying to help you or at least call 9-1-1, they could maybe be charged with negligent homicide...although that would be a stretch.  

  5. no. First and Second Degree murder require that the "murderer" have some intent to either kill or do great bodily harm to the victim. Which is not the case here.  

  6. no. nobody can make someone laugh.  

  7. DEFINITELY NOT, what is this a deposition or debate? IT IS PURELY ACCIDENT NOT murder. The element of murder is not even there, mens rea(state of mind) or malice aforethought is not even there. And the act of actus reus the killing is also missing. So why would these incident be CALLED A MURDER? If some how a friend put something in my food when we started to eat and I felt something bad and was rush to the hospital for food poisoning and vomiting then the person responsible for it can be charge with MURDER, if I survive then it is frustrated murder.

    YOU HAVE  very fertile imagination of crime, I hope you will not end up with your imaginative gesture.  

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