
Is it constitutional for a school to drug test the entire student body?

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Ok so if it's not constitutional, what amendment says its not? Schools are allowed to drug test student athletes, so why not the whole student body?




  1. it never is constitutional to force someone to take a drug test. There can be contingencies, but a public school has gone way too far in that case.

  2. I think that's a better option than targeting a particular group actually.

  3. no. its volentary so people will do it... but thats dumb... where are your rights?

  4. Yes it is. Drugs are illegal. It wouldn't be constitutional if drugs were allowed to be taken.  

  5. Where does it say in the constitution you have the freedom to support crime rings and fund criminals all around the world in order to satisfy your own selfishness?

  6. nope

  7. it wouldn't bother me student or parent...

    the only people that would scream about their constitutional rights for a simple urine test is the one's that are guilty.

    It always turns out that way no matter how you slice it.

    I think it would be wrong to target 'only certain groups'.. why not the entire student body? then they would know which ones to check again next month.. some of the grungy types are most likely just smoking cigarettes.. and these pristine cheerleaders and jocks are the ones smoking grass.(they can afford it)

  8. Not sure if  the Supreme Court has ruled on that one.

    But the Supreme Court has said it's perfectly ok to trash the consitution to drug test athletes. The perverted warped rationale of expressed by whacko conservatives in that decision (yep, I read that stuff) makes for disturbing reading.

  9. This government can make whatever it chooses Constitutional, welcome to Amerika.

  10. I think it would be constitutional,

    This way no one can say they were singled out and it will make the school safer for everyone.

    I also feel they should have metal detectors in all schools.

    Most kids go to school because they want to make something of themselves when they graduate.

    The only ones that would be against these being in school are the ones that want to do drugs or carry weapons and more than likely don't care what their going to do when and if they graduate.  

  11. Traditionally, students don't HAVE full rights.

    Not at the High School level, anyways.

  12. only if it is a private school..then you have consented by  enrolling and are free to leave.

  13. probably. If they only randomly tested a few, there would be those that ask if this is fair and ask "why not test everybody?" This is the "new age" where we have lost much of our rights and freedoms and its always the same excuse: "homeland security"--whatever that means. The government can now monitor all your phone calls, read all your email and spy on you at it's discretion and there is nothing you can do about it. Read george orwell's 1984 for a better understanding of today's, or Huxley's Brave New World. It's here. It's now. It's wow.  

  14.                                                                                                                    Yes because it would be unfair to profile a certain type of student.

  15. I'm not an expert on this, but it seems like it is not yet legal to randomly test the entire student body.  It is, however, legal to randomly test students who voluntarily participate in activities such as athletics, music, or leadership.  This was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1995 and in 2002.

  16. I'm not sure what you mean by constitutional? If the headmaster or principal, or administrators feels it's important then they probably should. Sorry if this doesn't answer your question, but it's not really impeding on any rights, since highschoolers shouldn't be doing drugs in the first place.  

  17. Are you a crackhead?  If not, no worries...but if you are.....hmmmmm.

  18. It is a violation of someone's 4th Amendment right against unreasonable searches.

    But the constitution has been pretty much voided by activist judges, and poor lawmaking.

  19. Maybe if they started with the staff first. But NO.

  20. .................

  21. yes. schools have the power to do whatever they want as long as it has something to do with the safety of their students

  22. It's a slippery slope, while many of your rights go out the door when you walk into a school (like free speech) you still retain some rights.

    If your school has reason to believe there is a big drug problem in your school it is possible they might be able to get by with it.  However, if they have no reason to believe that most of the student body is on drugs it's unlikely it will hold up if a parent says no.  Certain students, usually those who are on sports teams, usually sign a release saying they will take a drug test if asked.  If they don't sign then they are not allowed on the team.

    I would check into the local and state laws that govern the school, because it may depend on what state you are in.

  23. This is 21st century America where the Constitution is perverted for the government's use, not that of the citizenry.

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