
Is it correct for athletic runners to start on diff. lines on the running track?

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  1. If you are speaking of races that run the curves on the track, then yes everyone must start at a different line.

    Realize that each lane has a different radius so that the distance is different.

    This stagger allows for each lane to be the same difference when running a curve.

    The starting lines are adjusted depending no how many curves are run during the race.

    On the straight races, such as the 100 meters and the 100 and 110 hurdles the runners do not run a curve so the start line is the same place for everyone.

    In the other races there is a handicap so to speak so that the runners all run the same distance.

  2. yes it is.

  3. no

  4. You must have studied about circumference of a circle. The smaller the circle, lesser is the circumference.

    Take an example of 100 mtrs. race.

    Since all the participants are running on different tracks, the length of the tracks of all the participants must be 100 mtrs. So, if a participant is running in the inner most circle, in order to make the length of his running to be 100 mtrs, he needs to start a little behind the person running in the lap next to him. So on and so forth. So, it is very much correct for atheletic runners to start on different lines on running tracks.

  5. it all depends on the event being run. If it is the 100 meters than no it is not correct. for the 200, 300h, 400, and 400h they should be starting on a stagger meaning that the runner in lane one starts where the finish line is and the runner in lane 8 will be starting on the turn. This is because if you are on the inside of the track your would run a shorter distance than the person on the outside of the track. If everyone would run the same speed than you would notice that on the end of the second turn everyone would be evened out. In events further than the 400 and in some cases further than the 800 they will all start on a curved line because as soon as the gun goes off you can cut to the inside of the track. I hope this helps.

  6. yeah, for example. if you run the 200 meter dash and at the same line. the people on the outside lanes are running more distance than the people running on the inside. so yeah it is correct

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