
Is it correct that God only helps and not gives us anything in charity?

by  |  earlier

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As far as i am concerned, i am of the opinion that God does not give us anything in charity, but helps us to achieve a target which is in our mind and on which project we are working. The people who want something from god without working on that project are fools.




  1. God helps those who help themselves. He dislikes lazy. One of the deadly sins.

  2. it is partially true because wining some thing depends on-



  3. Think of oygen you breath in, it is free and the things like that.  God has a plan for each one.  If we know Him, it is easy to know the plan for us and we can know the way to achieve, like two groups one goes to a place with a map and the other without a map. Even in the colleges when students were given a project only some will go to the tutor for guidence and others try to do of their own.  Those who opt for guidence can finish it early and correctly with the presentation, is it not?

  4. God gave us life,food,water, air,trees,mountains,rivers,oceans,God gave us every thing.

  5. are correct dude!

  6. if u ask me whos god, i'd say god is in ourself.. cuz we r da one help ourselves out..!

    so... be honest to yaself...:) that helps morethan believin in god.:)

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