
Is it correct that Ian Brady in prison for murder ?

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is winging about 'only getting £25 per week' when other prisoners are getting £100 per week'?

What the h**l is going on? Why are they getting anything at all? There are many law-abiding people in the UK who are trying to live on less than £100 per week, so why should prisoners get paid? As for Ian Brady, isn't it time he shuts up once and for all?




  1. See my question on the subject,

    Anyway yes he is in prison for killing 5 children between 1963-1965 in Manchester, England

    I am glad that that evil ***** Hindley is dead now!


    The above link is the Daily Mail article that covered this story. Amazing - the man is still on hunger strike and is force fed by a tube.  WHY WHY WHY!

  3. where did this info come from about prisoners getting £100 per week?

  4. When I was in prison the most you got paid was £15-20 and that was if you were doing work during the day or doing courses and went to them. It is only something like 40p an hour so it's nothing really. You can get money put into your account by family too and have a limit onhow much you can spend a week. You have to buy personal stuff like phone cards, tobacco, chocolate, shower stuff drom that so it's not really much.  

  5. You have to wonder don't you? Here are the rest of us worrying about whether we can make ends meet this month. Food, gas, electric and petrol all sky high. While he worries about if he can afford another pack of ciggies!

    It's a joke.

  6. Patients not prisoners

  7. Brady is in hospital being treated for the disorder that made him a murderer. It is seen as totally different in the eyes of the law because he is considered a patient rather than a prisoner. I agree that he should just be quiet though, he is well aware of what he did.

  8. Normal prisoners don't get £100 a week. Brady is at Ashworth Psychiatric Hospital and while I'm not sure of the ins and outs of it the patients there are apparently given an allowance. In most normal prisons prisoners are allowed to earn small amounts of money by working within the prison.

  9. They don't get £100 per week (unless they're selling contraband on their wings!).  The most convicted prisoners were allowed to earn per week in 2003 was £20.00 so it might be £25.00 by now (can't find a current figure). If this is the case, Brady is getting the maximum allowance.  They can also be given cash gifts by friends or relatives, but this goes into holding accounts - they can't spend it all at once.  

    They are allowed to spend a maximum of 10 times their weekly income in a single week, if they save that much up.  This might be where your £100 figure comes from.  (Also, since he's in a psychiatric hospital their rules might be more generous).  However once their prison 'savings' account reaches this limit they can't accrue any more money until they have used some of it up.

    Prisoners get a cash allowance so they can buy themselves minor luxuries.  It's a way of allowing them to feel human and retain some sense of self-worth (which helps rehabilitation), and also acts as an incentive to co-operate with the system.

  10. They don't get a 100 pounds a week, I am sure they would be delighted if they did, as for brady he should get nothing, pity they didn't let the scumbag die, when he was on his hunger strike.

  11. I agree. Also I am pleased That evil cow (Hindley) never saw the light of day again.

  12. I'd like to know why they aren't being charged for their keep.

  13. I hope they are giving the other £75 he should be getting to other inmates in exchange to do bad, unnatural things to him. Scum.


    If so does that mean he is getting paid as well

    so lets see... I am a pensioner and i get 33 pounds a week cos i didnt pay full stamp and my old man is still working ... I have had 3 strokes and am only slightly (luckily infirm) I CAN CLAIM NADA....

    but IF i went out and killed a couple of kids (maybe the ones that scratched my car this morning)  

    then pleaded insanity or something similar got put into a place that was secure and warm and clean and I could get through each week without worryng about rent or food or any other bills ... and then played on my infirmity I could get £100 per week as well.......

    Of course Justice is fair in this country?!

  15. thought they only got paid a few pence!!!  as for him let him die  

  16. Oh I know!

    Myra Hindley got loads of favours from the guards in prison, despite what she'd done.

    Whining sack of sh*ts should have been executed, but it was too late.

    Bring back execution - we've paid for Brady for far too long.

  17. maybe but iI think it is wrong that prisoners are paid

  18. They are paid to stay in the holiday camp (or sorry prison). They do have to buy f**s after all.  

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