
Is it correct that feelings are not supposed to be logical?

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Is it correct that feelings are not supposed to be logical?




  1. Some people think with their hearts and make decisions based on what their heart tells them, whereas others think logically and will base a decision on rational thought.

    A well balanced person will think and feel along the same lines where as an unbalanced person will think one thing and feel another such as this made up scenario.

    My head tells me that my mother gave me up for adoption because she had no choice, she was too young, her parents threatened to throw her out the house and she had no choice.

    However in my heart I feel abandoned, unworthy, unloved and unwanted.

    You can see that rational thinking is not in line with how she is feeling

    With psychotherapy her thinking would be the same, but instead she would feel, loveable, worthy, confident, not a victim.

  2. Love is not logical. Some feelings are logical or both. they involve the head and the heart. One can have feelings and still think about the consequences if one lives those feelings..  but the feelings themselves yes I agree, they just happen, what one does about them that comes when one allows oneself to be a realist if one is a heart person and a dreamer then all feelings will never be logical or will not be lead by logic to come to a conclusion.. impulse and the heart will always win over logic with such people.. xxxxx

  3. If they lead to logical thinking and doing, then sure, they're logical.  Why not?  They're a step towards the right answer...sometimes.

  4. Wealah... ora mudheng aKu dhen ayu. Kok dadak ngangge boso londho barang to.. Wong deso koyo aku lan sampeyan iku pahame mung gethuk karo kopi tubruk tur nonton bal-balan. Ngeten mawon mbak, yen panjenengan tanglet kaleh poro sedulur wonten ing 'room Psikologi' mestine jawaban sing bener yoiku "LERES."

    Yen perkarane jalaran ono kaitane kalih kebutuhan urip (Ngupoyo upo) yo mestine salah. Ora ono kaitane. Moso wong urip mung ngarep-ngarep rejeki mudhun soko awang-awang

    Roso yen di dadekke siji kalian akal jalaran bakal ra gandeng, mbak. Nanging yen perkarane iku ono ing driyo (Hati) mulo aku jawabane mesti "Mendukung"

    Salam gethuk!

  5. ky,,do you think if you gonna hurt feeling, they gonna is not love you?, the feeling has several possible definitions,, if you are having thoughts about feeling,,,,, it normally,,, there is something really wrong even though you say there is not,,,  

  6. David Borenstein said: “Feelings are not supposed to be logical. Dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions”. I like this wisdom/feeling quotes…

    In daily lives, in many occasions we have to use our feelings, even our deep feelings rather than using our logics. That is why, some wise people says, “Never ever make decisions when you are in bad emotions”. These words can be assumed that where your feeling is disturbed by something, there will be no good opinion/answer you will get from your hearth.

    So, regarding to the quotes, I would say it is true that feelings are not supposed to be logical, but there are stand alone and potentially to make a best outcome if we can blend them in perfect combination. Many best decisions are born by using logics and feelings, even though some people thought it was junk! Thus, it is relevant with Borenstein’s :..dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions” emotion is so smooth, fragile, abstract & so mysterious… like Kylie !


  7. feelings a lot of the time are rooted in our experiential past...not all our experiences are logical...people do crazy things to people..and this will affect your feelings about stuff in the future..skew your ability to feel objectively  

  8. Tell that to my hand everytime I pick up a skillet from the stove without using a pot holder. What I do initially may be entirely irrational (yelling, dropping things, stumbling around) but the pain in my hand is entirely rational.

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