
Is it correct to thank people for expressing condolences when someone dies?

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I'm asking because my oldest sister died last Thursday, her funeral was this past Monday, and all day, I was thanking people left and right. I kinda got tired of it, and I was just wondering why.




  1. Do whatever you feel is right.  At a time like this, you will be forgiven for any impropriety.

  2. First I am very sorry about your sister. (No need to thank me for that) however i think that it is natural courtesy and politeness to thank someone for their condolences. Just because they had the courtesy to consider and ponder her death.

    Hope this helps =]

  3. I am sorry to hear about your sister's passing.

    Yes, it is proper and correct to thank people for expressing their condolences.  You must have been very tired and worn out after all that. But, in the end- you will be happy you did.

    The mourners made efforts to come to the funeral home and funeral.  So, saying 'thank you' for their expressions of sympathy is the right thing to do.

  4. Do whatever you like. You're grieving. People won't care if you don't thank them for expression condolences. If they do, they're idiots.

  5. Cold, but who am I to know what goes on in the lives of others..

    Of course you must say thank you!!  You got kinda tired of it"  Good God!

  6. Yes, it is alright to thank people for their condolences.  My grandfather passed away last month (the first grandparent I've lost) and I was at a loss as to what else to say except "thank you" when people offered their condolences.

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