
Is it crazy for a 15 year old to want to hike and cycle all over britain?

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whats up with all this ''too young'' nonsense? at least what im doing is not wrong like eg having s*x




  1. yes they are way too young

  2. Is it crazy for a 14 year old to do the same with canada? If so, we're both screwed.

  3. No, of course not. It's probably crazy to do it, if you are 15, but not crazy to want it!

  4. No i don't think so, go on with it while you still young and have more energy. Imagine if you are doing that when you are much older, i think it will cause lots of problems, isn't it?

  5. david beckham

  6. It is not crazy if you are not on your own but I would not let my child hike and cycle over much of Britain on their own.  There are lots of people who would take advantage of you and many scrapes you can get into - especially with the awful British weather!  

  7. I recently was reading about a man who had travelled all over Europe on trains when he was just about that age.....he had a very nice time,  it was really great,  and he was really grateful to his dad for encouraging him to do so ....I think people are cautious of their young simply because it is a natural instinct to be protective,  but at 15 some are quite ready and able to travel on their own,  and  - in fact - need to do so for their own selfhood .....there comes a time when you simply are no longer a child,  and recognition must be given to that fact ....after all,  the Marquis de Lafayette went to the US when he was only 18,  and Mozart was just a stripling when he was already an accomplished as long as you feel happy to travel around on your own,  ,  and as long as you are accustomed to long-distance travel on a bike with all its demands,  I do not think it is crazy.   Have a really good time !!

  8. I don't think it's crazy, i think it's an awesome idea. I think it's great that you actually want to do something with your life rather than sit on your **** or get drunk like the majority of teens.

    But.. you are probably going to run into a few problems =/

    -Parents. You're going to need their support, otherwise they'll get the police to just bring you home.

    -Hotels/Hostels/Campsites may require someone over 18+ to be with you.

    I do think it's a great idea though. It would just be a little easier if you were a couple of years older.

    I would say maybe wait until next year, that way you're a little older, plus HOPEFULLY the weather will be better!

    You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders, good luck with it.

    Tip: Get a foldup bike because you can take it on trains.

    You should get a job and start saving, and then when you're 18: you can travel the world =)

  9. no ...not crazy for a 15 yr to want to hike and cycle all over britain  but a 15 yr doing it is not such a good idea .. wait till ur older :)  

  10. a little

  11. If you're a lad then no.

    If you're a girl, then yes.

  12. nope. Sounds like an awesome trip.

    And the country is covered with bike paths! (They masquerade as roads, but what the heck.)

  13. no, it's not crazy, i've always wanted to cycle John O groats to lands end, and i've wanted to do that since i was about 14

    furthest ive done though is the whole length of the Pennines

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