
Is it credible for President Bush to call for Russia to respect Georgia as a "sovereign nation" when Iraq.....

by Guest60529  |  earlier

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.......was also a sovereign nation when Bush saw fit to invade it.

So my question is why should Russia listen to President Bush when he has also invaded the sovereign nation that is Iraq ?




  1. Well it might stop a war that seems to be impending...have we not  had enough wars over the years. All it amounts to, is innocent people getting killed, and also more and more children. Does anyone think of that. ?

  2. its no longer viable for these mini states to go it alone in these days, they should just stay in Russia and go with the flow,reap the benefits , and i dont mean housing benefit, after all we here in the UK are stuck with the EU  and you wont catch us invading Poland or annexing the Sudaten-land  we have more sense

  3. No, it's not credible.  You are exactly right, and really who pays attention to anything Bush says about invading other countries?  He has lost the respect of the entire world.  

  4. It's OK for Georgia to crush Ossetian for trying to separate from Georgia, but not OK for China to stop Tibet from leaving China? The US crticises one but looks on sympathetically on another. That is the machination of a hypocrite and one who speaks with forked-tongue. As you also point out, the US argues like some theologians: an action is moral because is done by god; an action is moral and OK because it is done by the US, but not when it is done by a 'baddie'.

  5. Bush is not credible, going to China to cite their human rights issues, laughable. Invasion of Iraq, illegal, let him leave office without causing WW3

  6. Russia shouldnt... Russian military forces are now fighting to stop killing russian people, living in South Ossetia. And when they reach the border between Georgia and Ossetia, they'll stop. Russia don't need another war.

  7. Is it credible, its laughable. He should invoke the 5th. Remain silent. Its best for everyone involved.

  8. In a word 'NO'.

  9. Not really. Sort of like the UK: Invaded Scotland, Ireland, etc... Now wants to claim that it is wrong. When will the UK surrender Scotland and pay reparations?

  10. Is it credible for Russia to attack Chechnya when it tried to break away and then prevent Georgia from attacking South Ossetia when South Ossetia broke from Georgia?  

    Bunch of hypocrites, those Russians.

  11. Instead of worrying about Georgia and Russia, would it not be better If our government and the US used troops to protect British/American citizens from the hoards of Russian and Georgian Organised criminal gangs In London and New York.

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