
Is it customary to tip a waitress at a Buffet?

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Sometimes I visit a buffet and the only time the waitress stops by the table is to drop off the drink. Do they deserve a 10-15% tip for this?

What does the average customer do?




  1. I hope they clear your dishes and offer refills

    Give them a tip    sure 10 to 15%

  2. well, depends on the way they talk to you and if they are polite i guess. But if they are just coming to drop off drink s and not talking or anything whats the point. x

  3. Yes, you should definitely tip waitresses at buffets.  So many people think you shouldn't, but that's just stupid.  She's still providing a service, and she's still making less than minimum wage.  I tip 20% at regular restaurants, more if the service is very good.  I tip about 15% at buffets.  If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't be eating out.  People use such stupid excuses for not tipping.  But the fact is, unless your wait person is extremely rude or incompetent, you need to tip well.

  4. Cha... maybe throw'em 2 bucks...

  5. If they are VERY attentive with the drinks and clearing the plates, I leave about 10%, which is well below what I would leave at a regular place.

  6. Leave $2 at the most.  It's not hard to drop of a drink, and requires no thinking skills.

  7. i dont know about the 10 15% thing but i usually try to leave a dollar for each person thats eatting. even though they dont take your order and serve your food they bring your drink and depending on the buffet they bring you more plates and then when you leave there stuck cleaning your mess.

  8. If it's a chain buffet, I would leave a dollar a head. Maybe a little bit more.

    If it's in a restaurant  though, I think I would tip 15%. It all depends on what they do for you. They are still taking time to wait on you. That means, besides drinks and clearing dishes, if you need ketchup or something from the kitchen extra, then definately 15%. People aren't doing it to waste time, they are doing it for a living.

  9. i think

  10. yes tip 10-15 %

  11. To answer your question, NO a waitress that only drops off a drink does not deserve a 15% tip.  If they've been attentive 10% is nice.

  12. Yes it is. Servers get paid nothing and tips are all that we have. Even at a buffet they should be clearing your plates and getting you refills on your drink which is providing a service to you. When ever I go to a buffet I will normally tip $2 per person at the table, that is a standard tip for buffet servers.

  13. i would leave something... the amount is up to u.. they did keep ur drinks filled but you had to serve yourself.. how nice she was ..that should help u decide

  14. I was in the restaurant business for 18 years when I was younger. I say it depends. It depends upon the type of buffet. Some high end buffets such as in Las Vegas add 18% directly on to your bill. This often never reaches your server and is a way for the restaurant to make more money. Tips are for service given and I always tipped at least 10% for service whether good or bad. Being in the business; I knew that most servers only make between 2-3 dollars an hour and rely on tips to pay their bills. Sometimes buffet restaurants pay more by the hour but I have seen where they don't. I say let your own conscience be your guide. If that person affects your day in a positive way; remember that they may be depending upon what you are giving them to pay thier water bill. And the going rate for tips has not been 15% for about 10 years. It is now 20%.

  15. Yes! That waitress/waiter still only makes a waitress/waiter wage and still pays taxes on her/his tips.She should do more than drop off your her for what she does. Please notice tho,If the food is not what you thought, it is not her/his fault. That does not mean no tip. I go out of my way for people but have lost out on my pay because they were not happy with the food. I can only do so much. I am giving drinks as people come in. I am getting dirty plates off of the table. Not just one time. Giving refills. There have been times that I have gone to the buffet and got food for someone. I work at a place and I only work parties. There is no tipping. I also work at Easter and mothers day. It is buffet. I give very good service. The only thing I don't do is get their food. I am working for that tip. That is my wage. Without it I could not pay my rent or buy shoes for my kids. The state will have to feed my children. Get where I am going with this?

  16. Maybe not a 15% tip like usual, but they do deserve something since they fill your drinks and check on you to see if you need anything.

  17. I usually tip about 10%..that's where I start with every restaurant and it goes from there lol For buffets, if the server is not consistent with refills and removing dirty plates, and you know the occasional little conversations also help. My tips are usually $2-3 bucks for buffets. At the same time, if the host or hostess have refilled my drink or had to get my dishes, you usually don't make a tip. Exceptions are Fri and Sat nights because they are most busy in this area.

    And while I understand that waiters, and waitresses need tips..(don't we all)...the people at mcdonald's make the same as the waitresses in a restaurant and they rarely, if ever get tipped...same with people who work at Tim Hortons.

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