
Is it danger to my car if i give boost to othr car from mine?

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Is it danger to my car if i give boost to othr car from mine?




  1. what?  turbo boost, electrical boost...actually lifting the car into the air....the "boost" energy drink, the "boost" old people drink.... what??

  2. it wont hurt your car if its running and you disconnect the battery cables as soon as the other car starts

  3. No, just be sure to let the alternator do its job..

  4. NOT if you do it correctly.  If you short it, then YES.

    But that's true for anything - including driving.

    Good Luck.

  5. don't connect the wrong polarity from your battery to the other. It will explode. I've seen it. and don't let the cars touch. It could hurt your electrical systems.

  6. Hi,

    I found this listed under the Navy Safety center.

    in response to your question and possible damage to your car and personal  safety in performing the task. I hope this helps.



  7. no.. unless your battery is almost dead.

    it drains your battery for a little while but once the other car is jumpstarted... yours will regain it's power.

  8. Yes it can damage your vehicles electrical system IE: the alternator .

    Sometimes but not always there could be a surge that will come back and cook your alternator and I have seen this a lot of times.

  9. No, it is not. If you are worried about your battery draining to give the other guy's car juice, don't. The alternator recharges the battery when you drive.

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