
Is it dangerous for my kitten to eat slugs?

by  |  earlier

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She is 4 months old and has recently been coming in with her face covered in goo, I cleaned it off her-and it was obvious (won't say why as i'll puke) that she had eaten one. She even brings massive slugs into the house! Ugh. Is it going to harm her eating the slugs? I don't think my neighbours use pellets or anything. Is she getting any nutrition from eating them?

Any insight would be great, thanks!




  1. As long as the slug hasn't had poison it's fine (most slug pellets are pet and wildlife safe now so even if it has been poisoned the likelihood of it being dangerous to her is minimal). Birds eat slugs so I'm guessing she'll be perfectly safe. Slugs aren't really dirty creatures. Remember cats eat mice and rats and are fine x x x

  2. i dont think so

  3. my cats somtimes like to eat slugs and things ive had my eldest cat for a year and we got woried to but we asked the vet and he said its fine even still there would be nothing to do about it because cats would do that in the wild  

  4. no not at all. that is nasty though...

  5. Might make her sick.

  6. not at all as long as she's had her vaccines

  7. YOu should take her to the vet because slugs are dirty and have a lot of germs on them but I don't think it will hurt her. You shouldn't let your cat have anymore. my cats eat A LOT of weird things. It won't hurt them because wild cats eat bugs: moths, flies, worms, etc.

    Try to keep your cat inside so you won't have to worry about what it eats and if it's bad for her.

    I don't think slugs have any nurrition in it for your cat. She will probably throw it up in the next few days. Onetime my cat eat fake grass and throw it up between 3-5 days.  

    I hope i helped. I hope your cat is feeling o.k.!     :)

  8. well...i heard i think one time dat slugs can carry parasites and stuff like dat..'hm you should ask a vet

  9. As long as the slugs haven't eaten any pellets then it's not necessarily bad for her, just incredibly unpleasant (for you)!

    Try changing her food to see if there is some sort of deficiency in her diet that she is trying to compensate for and failing that, contact your vet to see if they have any advice on the matter.

    "Luckily", my cats only ever bring in mice and birds...

  10. shell get sick slugs are very dirty and can carry bacteria unless she got vaccines

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