
Is it dangerous hitting someone over the head with a blunt object?

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If it is so bad, then why do they do it in all the movies and cartoons?




  1. Yes.

    Because it not real. It real life people are injured or killed by blunt objects.

  2. Of course it's dangerous! Ever notice what happens to characters in movies when they are hit? They get knocked the f*** out! And it's in there for entertainment!

    In movies and cartoons they make robots come to life, zombies eat people, men turn green and huge, plants kill people...

    Come on now!

  3. Movies and cartoons aren't real life....

  4. Well, first of all, in the movies and cartoons, it's not real. And secondly, it is extremely dangerous to hit someone in the head with a blunt object (or a sharp one for that matter), because they can suffer from brain damage, get a concussion and/or die. Not to mention if the object hits the face, then not only will it hurt like heck, but it could also cause some bleeding from the nose, ect.

  5. in the movies it magicly knocks people out with minimal damage, in real life it might kill someone.

  6. why are you asking dumb questions?

  7. I think it usually just gives them a concussion, which can be dangerous but is relatively mild compared to other possibilities.  However, if you get hit too hard and it breaks your skull, or if you get hit in the temples, you can die.

    They do it in movies and cartoons because...  I dunno, they do stuff like that in movies and cartoons.  Why do they have guns in movies and cartoons, when they are far more lethal?

  8. YES IT IS!

    Movies - Usually stunt doubles and/or props

    Cartoons - ANIMATION!!!

  9. Yes it is you moronic troll. If you do not beleive me take a bat and whap yourself over the head. Better yet get somebody else to do it for you. If you are as stupid in real life as this question makes you appear, there should be no shortage of volunteers.

  10. Because they are training you to fight the zombies. Duh.

  11. have you ever heard of a thing call blunt force truma, if not than you should watch ,CSI ON TV YOU MAY LEARN SOMETHING NEW

  12. I like snakes anwser, you have to be prepared for those zombies, you never know where they will pop up

  13. first of all, cartoons are cartoons, so obviously it doesn't affect them. and in the movies they don't actually make the blow to their head hurt, because it is dangerous. people kill other people in movies too, but does that make it right?

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