
Is it dangerous in Tokyo?

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Im visiting tokyo in the shibuya region in two months and some one told me today that has been there that is can be extremely dangerous and to watch out from every thing from kidnapping to just getting murdered.....from what I have researched and seen it seems like a pretty safe place at most as dangerous as the US.....sooo any takers?




  1. I don't know if  "dangerous" is an appropriate word, but true that for last a couple of months, there were a few muders by crazy nuts...

    Japan may not be as safe as it used to be, but still Japan is safer than the other advanced countries...

  2. A lot of places are pretty dangerous now.  I dont have much experience about Japan, but it seems pretty safe.  Very populated so easily to get pushed or shoved here and there, and easy to get lost, but it's pretty safe I think

  3. Hai, I also heard about these two countries but if you travel to Malaysia, there are no news about the above situation. Please visit us and explore yourself by click this link:

  4. Just stay away from the bad neighbor hoods, and don't talk to stranges, and other stuff you learned when you were a kid. And when you see a gun being drawn.....RUN!!!!!! Lol! But seriously run for your life. Don't look back. Just do the things your Mom and Dad tought you when you were just a little kid, and you'll be fine.

    Have fun ^_^!

  5. keep an eye out for errant ninja stars... check your hotel room for Ninjas when you're about to goto sleep.  They like to hide under the bed and in the closet in my experiance

  6. well every city has its dangers. But i would consider tokyo to be pretty safe. But just look out.  


    The map indicates how much is crime numbers density in Tokyo metropolitan in 2007 whole year. you may click to understand how it is.

    The number category as shown are 10 in total and each size varies by crime. The number of crime  itself is very few rather than other country actually but it happens actually even everywhere in anytime in Tokyo.

    No safe place always is out of reality.

    ひったくり is purse-snaching, pickpockets and luggage thief etc.

    住居対象侵入犯 is house thief, burglar, robbery etc.

    事務所等侵入犯 is office thief, burglar, robbery etc.

    車上ねらい is car thief or thief from inside of the car etc.

    粗暴犯 is kind of rude violation, bodily injury, stalking, blackmail etc.

    渋谷区 is Shibuya Ward.

  8. ninja guy is right.  watch out.

  9. i don't really think tokyo is dangerous of course any big city has a Chance of being dangerous but as long as you keep an eye out i think you will be ok

  10. Japan is one of the safest places in the world, so I wouldn't worry. Tokyo is probably the most dangerous because of the high population and the wide array of people, so I wouldn't go waking down any dark alleys at night, but I wouldn't be very concerned about safety. Tokyo NEVER sleeps, you will always find someone on the streets no matter what time it is

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